From the course: Communicating with Empathy

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Evaluate your personal communication style

Evaluate your personal communication style

From the course: Communicating with Empathy

Evaluate your personal communication style

- The way we speak to people directly affects the way they in turn, respond to us. So, how do you prefer to communicate your ideas? Are you excitable and react to things with big emotions? Or are you reflective and respond to things in a more measured way? I think it's important to identify how you communicate, or your personal communication style, but I think it's vital to determine if the way you think you're coming off to people is accurate. People managers are very lucky in that they get reviewed by their direct reports. Those 360 reviews helped show managers how they're actually communicating to their reports, as opposed to how they think they're communicating. And, although they can be absolutely brutal, they help to diagnose the communications issues that oftentimes those people managers didn't even know they had. So, after you've spent some time thinking about your communications style, do yourself a favor and…
