From the course: Cognitive Cities and the Future of Urban Living

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Data generation and data infrastructure

Data generation and data infrastructure

- The core strength of cognitive cities lies in their ability to generate, process, and utilize massive amounts of data. This capacity for data generation and the requisite infrastructure to manage it is what enables these cities to operate intelligently and respond adaptively to evolving urban needs. As reported by the International Data Corporation, the global datasphere will grow to 175 zettabytes by the year 2025, a significant leap from 33 zettabytes in the year 2018. This exponential growth underscores the increasing importance of robust data infrastructure, particularly in cognitive cities that will form the vanguard of intensive urban living. In a cognitive city data is generated from numerous sources. IoT devices, such as sensors embedded in infrastructure, vehicles, buildings, and public spaces generate continuous streams of data about traffic flow, air quality, energy usage, and more. Social media…
