From the course: CMO Foundations: Measuring Marketing Effectiveness (ROI)

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Selecting the right marketing metrics

Selecting the right marketing metrics

- The biggest mistake you can make with metrics, is measuring too much. Don't do that, you'll drive yourself and your team crazy. They'll suffer data fatigue, and may end up being totally distracted from running the day-to-day marketing functions. This happens when marketing leaders think about metrics this way, what data do I have? Oh, okay, then let's measure that. You need to switch that thinking around completely. Start with what metrics matter most to your business, oh, okay, now let's get the data to measure them. Three criteria should guide your choice of marketing metrics. First and foremost is whether the metrics are aligned to your overall marketing strategy, measure only what matters. Let me explain. When I look at a company's marketing strategy, I like to ask this question, what must be true for this plan to succeed? Meaning, what absolutely must happen to achieve the company's goals? Is it new…
