From the course: CISSP Cert Prep (2021): The Basics

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- This course contains all of the information that you'll need to pass the CISSP exam. I've worked with thousands of students over the years and helped them successfully pass the exam. Along the way, I found that different people learn in different ways, and the best way to prepare for the exam is to use a diverse set of resources. In addition to this course, I have three other study resources that I recommend to help you prepare for the exam. I prepared each and every one of them with you in mind to help you learn the CISSP material, prepare for the test, and pass the exam on your first try. I've written two books that serve as valuable complements to this course. First, my CISSP Study Guide is the official book that ISC-squared recommends to candidates studying for their CISSP certification. This book contains detailed information on all of the exam objectives, as well as exercises and practice tests designed to…
