From the course: CISSP Cert Prep (2021): 5 Identity and Access Management

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Kerberos and LDAP

Kerberos and LDAP

- [Narrator] The Kerberos access control system is widely used to implement authentication and authorization on both Linux and Windows platforms. It's one of the core protocols underlying Microsoft active directory. Kerberos is a ticket based authentication system that allows users to authenticate to a centralized service and then use tickets from that authentication process to gain access to distributed systems that support Kerberos authentication. Here's how Kerberos works. An end user wants to gain access to a service that supports Kerberos. We sometimes refer to this as a kerberized service. First, the end user uses a Kerberos client on their system to provide a username and password. The client then creates a clear text authentication requests that it sends to an authentication server. The authentication server looks up the user in its database and retrieves the user's password. It sends two…
