From the course: CISSP Cert Prep (2021): 2 Asset Security

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Cloud storage security

Cloud storage security

- [Instructor] Organizations use cloud services for a wide variety of data needs. These cloud services offer tremendous flexibility and cost-effectiveness but they also come with security concerns that administrators must address in order to protect against cloud storage threats. The basic principle that organizations should follow is that you should apply the same security controls to data stored in the cloud as you would to data stored in your own data center. If you'd encrypt information in your own data center, you should encrypt it in the cloud. If you restrict access in your own data center, you should restrict access in the cloud. The two main issues that you should think about when handling cloud data security are encryption and access control. Now the way you'll implement encryption depends upon the type of service that you're using and the way that you use it. For example, when you're using an infrastructure…
