From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer Scripting with C#

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- [Alan] Well, congratulations on reaching the end of this Unity Certified Associate training course presented by LinkedIn Learning. In reaching this far in the course you've seen a lot of scripting functionality right here inside of Unity. You seen how to create script files, how to attach those to objects within the scene, how to move objects and rotate them, and how to create core gameplay elements, like timed behaviors, how to attach scripts to objects to respond to trigger events, such as when the player enters a particular region of the level. We then took all of this to one stage further by creating a finite state machine. To create artificial intelligence for a non-player character inside the scene, we built a navigation mesh so that character could intelligently move around and chase the player. Now, this is just the beginning of what scripting can do here inside Unity. By becoming accomplished at scripting,…
