From the course: Cert Prep: Unity Certified Associate Game Developer Design, Production, and Industry Awareness

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Game elements

Game elements

- [Instructor] When you've decided on a game concept and platform and the core mechanics, you can begin to think about the game elements. And these are going to differ radically depending on the kind of game you're creating. But fundamentally they can be broken down into four main groups. The first group are the chapters. Chapters define a block of time within your game, for example, a beginning, a middle, and an end. Every single game that we play takes place over the course of a certain amount of time. And there are indeed two fundamentally different types of times. There's the time within the game world, time ticking over minute by minute for the characters within the game, and then there's the time that the player actually spends playing the game. And they are two fundamentally different things, and the way to see that is that in some games we can speed up time, but we can't really speed up time for ourselves, so…
