From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

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Validate the client's concerns: Three steps for success

Validate the client's concerns: Three steps for success

From the course: Customer Service: Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting

Validate the client's concerns: Three steps for success

- One of the most frustrating things as a customer is when the person you're talking to doesn't really understand your issue. It's like they're not really listening. I just experienced this the other day. I honestly couldn't tell if I was talking to some sort of artificial intelligence robot or a real person, but it seemed like they couldn't care about what I was saying. I had to keep repeating my issue until I finally just gave up. As a service provider, you can use what I call the verify and clarify technique to solve your customers' problems and troubleshoot challenges more effectively. Here's how it works. First, always verify what the customer says to you. Start by allowing the customer to talk. Your job right now is to listen. Then you want to verify and clarify what you just heard. You might say something like this. "Max, thanks for sharing that information. I just want to confirm that I understood your…
