From the course: C# and .NET Development with VS Code

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How to contribute to C# in VS Code

How to contribute to C# in VS Code

(upbeat music) - Hey everybody, welcome to what is sadly the final episode of C# and .NET Development in VS Code for Beginners, but thankfully the last time I have to remember that really long title. (laughs) We have talked about a lot in regards to VS Code and the C# Dev Kit extension, and how both of them enable you to be the most productive that you can be, whether you're writing C# applications, debugging them, testing them, managing the related projects associated with the application, the works. And I hope that you've each learned something new and had a really fun time doing it. So to wrap up, that leaves us with the question, what's next? Where do you go from here? So first up, let's talk about where you can go to learn more. There have been plenty of links in the show notes that link you to all aspects of pretty much everything that I've been talking about for the past six episodes, so you can definitely check those out. But as I mentioned earlier, Visual Studio Code…
