From the course: Backgrounder: A History of Web Typography

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Typography and web font basics

Typography and web font basics

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Take a look at the first few pages of your favorite book. You know, those pages where you have a bunch of copyright information and other stuff? There's a good chance. You'll find a reference like this. (pages turning) Set in Monotype Baskerville. Fonts and typesetting matters, enough that book publishers tell you what font they used, often with pride. The topography, the style and appearance of text plays a significant role in how we interpret that text. Fonts and typesetting influence comprehension and communication, and the art and science of making text look good and be legible has been refined over literal millennia. Which is why it's so surprising that up until relatively recently, fonts on the web were limited to three boring font families and we're only now starting to explore the true potential of typography on the web. During my career, I've had countless conversations like the one…
