From the course: Backgrounder: A History of Web Typography

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Flash and web typography

Flash and web typography

(upbeat music) (fanfare music) - [Announcer] Step right up, right up everyone. It is my ordinary privilege to introduce the amazing, the magnificent, the graphical, visual, animatorical wonder that is Macromedia Flash! - [Instructor] Frustrated with the limitations of CSS, not just with fonts, but also with layouts and other features? Web designers of the early aughts turned to Flash, a proprietary design application from the company called Macromedia, to design their sites. And for a glorious few years, the web was overflowing with elaborately animated pixel-perfect Flash sites that took forever to load and where as inaccessible as a smartphone drop down a sidewalk drain. (heavenly choir singing) For a brief moment, the web was grungy and Baroque and filled with amazing typography, (heavenly choir singing) but Flash-based websites turned out to be resource heavy, expensive, and difficult to update, so they…
