From the course: Android Dependency Injection with Dagger 2 and Kotlin

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Lazy and provider injection

Lazy and provider injection

- [Narrator] As I've said before, once you're comfortable using Dagger's at time inject and at time component annotations, all the rest is just icing. Who doesn't like icing, though? Let's have a look at a couple more of Dagger's cool tricks. First of all, Provider injection. Then, Lazy injection. Suppose that our application needs to create a new connection to to the server for each new client request. That is, a single instance of client objects needs to create a new instance of a connection object for each call to fetch data. Of course, there's nothing in the actual demonstration code here that requires anything like that. I'm not including anything more than a skeleton of a real application. In a real application, though, a single client needing multiple connections would be an entirely likely scenario. Think about this, instead of injecting a dependency into the object, we want to inject a way of creating the dependency. Well, way of creating a dependency is the definition of…
