From the course: Agile at Work: Planning with Agile User Stories (2015)

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Incremental delivery planning methods

Incremental delivery planning methods

- The agile framework uses short durations of work called iterations. In Scrum, these are commonly called sprints. A sprint is a short, completed deliverable. This deliverable can be improved over time. It's much different from a traditional project. In a waterfall project, there's one final product released at the end. This might sound like a subtle difference, but they're actually two different ways of working. One way is bit by bit improved over time. The other is incomplete work finished in phases and delivered at the end. To see the difference, imagine you hired a team to help you build a vegetable garden. You wanted to have three planters, each with vegetables: tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini. Each planter has to have soil, a specific fertilizer, and seeds. You get proposals from two different gardening teams. The first waterfall team recommends that you finish the work in three phases. In the first phase, all three planters will be filled with soil. In the second phase, the…
