From the course: AutoCAD: Spaces and Workspaces

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Using revision clouds

Using revision clouds

- [Narrator] We're staying in our zero zero ground floor plan rev B drawing. And what we're going to look at is how we work with revision clouds in our drawings. Now my personal preference is to put all of my revision clouds in my layout tabs. It then distinguishes the revision clouds from the geometry in the models I have in the model space. So it just makes things a bit easier, you can distinguish between the two. Now what I've done is I've created a new layer called revision clouds in the drawing. So you can see it there, it's the current drafting layer. There's revision clouds there. If you haven't got a revision clouds layer just go to the layer properties manager, click on new layer, like so, and give the layer a name like that. Now that's created a layer called layer one that I don't actually need. So I'll just right-click on that, and delete that layer, I don't actually need it. I want to make sure that revision…
