From the course: AutoCAD Electrical: Implementing PLCs

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- [Shaun] We've now come to the end of our AutoCAD Electrical Implementing PLCs course. I really do hope you've enjoyed the course, and gained a lot of knowledge from it. If you're already an existing AutoCAD Electrical user, it should give you a good insight into how those parametric and full units PLC modules can be brought into your AutoCAD Electrical drawings. More importantly, if you're working in the world of industrial automation, those PLCs are fundamental to automating those industrial processes. Like the example I gave you right at the beginning of the course, with the robot arms placing the doors into the car bodies on an assembly line. Those PLCs are used for that particular purpose, to make those robot arms work. So generating the appropriate drawings using the appropriate data for those parametric PLCs or those full unit PLCs, is really, really, important. So as I said, I really do hope you've enjoyed this particular course, and obviously your next steps now are to take…
