From the course: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training

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Working with the AutoCAD command line

Working with the AutoCAD command line - AutoCAD Tutorial

From the course: AutoCAD 2025 Essential Training

Working with the AutoCAD command line

- [Instructor] Once again, we're staying in our interface.DWG file. We're going to take a look at the command line or command input in AutoCAD. Now, traditionally, way back when, when I first started using AutoCAD, this was the only input method in AutoCAD. We didn't have a ribbon, we didn't have icons, we didn't even have windows. I started on an MS DOS version of AutoCAD where the Windows interface, the Windows operating system hadn't even been invented yet. So down here you'll see you've got your command line right here, type a command. So if I click in that there and type something like line for example, notice it highlights when you move away, it de-highlights. So if I type in line, I'll get what is called a suggestion menu. So it's now saying to me, oh, there's all these different functions in AutoCAD that have the word line in them. Right at the top there, you've got the line command like so. So I'll click on line, takes me into the drawing area, specify first point. If I click…
