From the course: Negotiation Foundations

Negotiate with better results

From the course: Negotiation Foundations

Negotiate with better results

- One of the most startling pieces of research on negotiation comes from social psychologist, Adam Galinsky. His research reveals that 93% of negotiators fail to ask open-ended diagnostic questions to find out about the other person's interests. So that means only 7% of negotiators are being curious about what the other side wants or what they're thinking or why they may have said no to your request, even though asking questions could improve results dramatically. Hi, I'm Lisa Gates. I'm a negotiation consultant, a trainer, and a leadership coach. And in this course, you'll be learning about diagnostic questions and all the best practices of mutual benefit or interest-based negotiation so you can apply them to the conversations you're already having every single day. We'll be demonstrating skills like anchoring, framing, labeling, and mirroring in scenarios throughout the course. And I'll also be providing worksheets and resources you can download from the exercise files to help you prepare and grow your expertise. Now, above all else, negotiation is a communication discipline, not a battle. So my goal is to take the fear and dread out of negotiation by giving you simple, repeatable communication practices that help you solve problems and create value with more ease and more confidence and better results. Now, one more tip before we begin, as you go through the course, I want you to think about how you could have improved a negotiation challenge in the past and how you might use your new knowledge and skills to get better outcomes in the future. Let's get started.
