From the course: Managers as Multipliers of Well-Being

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Multiply well-being with three steps

Multiply well-being with three steps

- Most people don't leave their job, they leave their boss. Okay, so most of us already know this, but did you know that when it comes to the health of your heart, your boss matters more than your doctor does? So when we hear people say, "My boss is killing me", well, they actually kind of mean it. Not to scare you, but it's important for you to know that as a manager, you matter to the health and wellbeing of your team, meaning you have a choice to make, that is, are you going to stick your head in the sand and pretend like this wellness stuff doesn't matter, or are you going to put on your superhero cape and become an agent of change, are you going to become a multiplier of wellbeing for your team? Be honest, where would you say that you are here? Are you acting as a gatekeeper, actually getting in the way of your team members engaging with their wellbeing, or are you acting as a multiplier that is explicitly…
