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LambdaTest is creating that next level of efficiency around test automation so that people can actually focus on testing versus test orchestration.”

Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft,

Microsoft Future Ready event

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2M+ Devs and QAs rely on LambdaTest

Deliver immersive digital experiences with Next-Generation Mobile Apps and Cross Browser Testing Cloud



Dashlane reduced Test Execution Time by 50% with HyperExecute. HyperExecute is a stable test platform and has excellent customer support.

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LambdaTest Accelerates digital
Transformation Of Global Enterprises

Don't just take our word for it. Many of the world's leading companies

trust LambdaTest with their digital transformation journey.


By being able to run our Selenium scripts on the legacy and latest browsers on LambdaTest helped us save significant time in test execution with zero hassle to maintain the infra.

Anish Ohri

Head of Testing and Performance Engineering


Increased Browser Coverage

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