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For Those Who Seeks JCR Rating

Credit Rating Timeline

Customer → JCR
Information Request
3~4 weeks
JCR → Customer
Information Submission
1~2 weeks
Customer → JCR
1 week
JCR → Customer
Interview/ Site visit
3~4 weeks
Interview expects, approximately (the same hereunder), a whole business day, with top and departments combined.
Top interview requires an hour of head of the management.
Department interviews are given to a man in charge of each department.
Site visit is paid to factories, R&S centers, and logistics centers.
Rating Decision
2~4 days
Rating decision is made at a Rating Committee meeting and reported to the customer by telephone and in writing.
Public Release
News release is made public on the JCR website. It is sent by facsimile to the Press Club in the Tokyo Stock Exchange as well as posted on electronic media, i.e. Bloomberg, Reiter, Quick and JiJI Press. Customers are given a chance to check the release before publication.