Helping government agencies achieve their mission

Serving the public today requires a complex combination of hardware and software that all must be deployed, updated, secured and managed. Whether you’re a large agency or small municipal office, we can support you.

IT solutions for your sector
Department of Defense icon

Department of Defense

IT devices, infrastructure and services for military branches:

  • Wi-Fi, connectivity and networking
  • Military-spec devices
  • Augmented reality headsets
  • Secure supply chain
Explore the solutions

Federal government icon

Federal government

Our expertise spans Department of Defense and civilian agencies. We’ll help you with:

  • Cybersecurity & breaches
  • Cloud adoption
  • Rugged devices
  • Procurement & management
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Local government icon

State and local government

Smart cities are using technology to improve operations and protect residents with:

  • Devices for every employee
  • Agency-wide procurement
  • Secure storage & access
  • Data collection & analysis
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Public safety icon

Public safety

Technology, services and support for first responders and law enforcement:

  • Ruggedized laptops
  • Connectivity in the field
  • Body camera management
  • Device and data security
Explore the solutions

Products and services from trusted experts

With Insight Public Sector, you get a strategic partner with extensive resources. We bring deep experience supporting government organizations to help you achieve your goals.


years providing
government technology


sales and client-facing


hardware, software,
& cloud partners

Improve IT operations.

No matter the current state of your infrastructure, Insight Public Sector is the partner to help you modernize government IT. We offer hardware and software solutions from leading manufacturers, as well as custom tech services.

Businesswoman shares results of assessment


Our comprehensive IT assessments provide actionable results to help you consolidate legacy IT and develop ongoing IT governance.

Two business professionals use smart board in meeting


We evaluate emerging technologies and introduce new solutions that can increase agency efficiency while reducing your IT spend.

Remote technician monitors and manages services on computer


We provide ongoing monitoring and management services to ensure your data is protected and your IT runs at peak efficiency.

Your guide to IT optimization
Illustrated icon showing city in hand

Technology is opening new doors in every industry. Investing in the right IT solutions could transform your agency’s operations.

Illustrated icon of pen and briefcase

But how do you know which technologies will be the best fits for your particular agency’s needs and objectives?

Illustrated icon of businessman in glasses

We supply the technical expertise and guidance you need to purchase wisely, deploy quickly and manage IT more efficiently.

Modernize your government operations.

We’ll help you solve your biggest IT challenges, so you can spend more time serving the public and less on technology management. Connect with our specialists by completing the contact form or using one of the two options below.

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