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Public health issues and health Rendezvous for migrants from conflict zones in Ukraine

Date du document : 23/03/2022

Date de mise en ligne : 20/05/2022

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Prévention Vaccination Migrant Visite médicale

Given the number of people leaving the war zone in Ukraine and coming to France, the General Directorate of Health (DGS) asked the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) to update its 2015 recommendation on the medical check-up for newcomer foreigners, in order to adapt it to the health situation of these people and to support the professionals concerned.

The HCSP took into account

  • the vulnerability of migrant populations, linked to promiscuity which increases the risk of exposure to infectious agents in general and to the psychological consequences of conflict, family separation and exile;
  • the prevalence in Ukraine of certain contagious diseases such as tuberculosis (multi-resistant situations), HIV and HCV
  • low vaccination coverage (responsible for cases of poliomyelitis) and the risk of spreading several infectious diseases in this population (Covid-19, measles, etc.).

Consequently, the HCSP recommends to

  • Prioritise the measures to be put in place for these people: the first (immediate) reception, which will make it possible to provide emergency care, to assess immediate needs (psychological disorders, risk of medication breakdown). Other priority measures (vaccination catch-up, including for Covid-19, children’s entry into school, screening for post-traumatic stress disorder, etc.) must be implemented.
  • Guarantee coordination and access to information in the territories, by providing medico-social support (opening of social rights and access to care).
  • Implement the digitisation of medical data in order to enable their traceability.
  • Use professional interpreting and/or health mediation, or failing that, digital translation tools.

Finally, the HCSP insists on the vigilance to be observed for the management and continuity of rights and care after the initial period and on the organisation of a "health Rendezvous" within four months of entering the territory.

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