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Statement and report on the in itinere evaluation of the National Public Health Plan

The findings of the first year of the in itinere evaluation emphasize that the title "Prevention first" should replace the title "PNSP", become a signature and that its commitments should continue beyond 2022.

The positioning of " Prevention first" should be clarified and formalised in relation to other health plans, measures and actions. Its enrichment by new measures is an added value to be formalised, particularly for the flagship measures. Preventionand health promotion should be integrated intothe management of health crisis. Inter-ministerial governance and the Prime Minister’s leadership are crucial. It is necessary to develop a communication strategy on " Prevention first" and to consolidate its coordination at regional and cross-sectoral level, as well as to create a national directory of all the measures and actions implemented.

There are no indicators for measuring the impact of " Prevention first" actions, which depend on the SNS indicators, hence the need to propose as many indicators as necessary to assess the impacts. Determining a minimum threshold of people to be reached among the target population will ensure the effectiveness of each measure. The health of children and young people and the health of the over-65s are ambitious goals with limited implementation and evaluation indicators.

A common culture of prevention and health promotion still needs to be built to avoid silo contributions and to favour a concerted intersectorial  approach.

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