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Enjoy a lifetime access for only $149

It’s time to be

Habit Driven...

The personal development app for 
habit change, a journal that writes itself, and personalized AI insights.

The personal development app for 
habit change, a journal that writes itself, and personalized AI insights.

Revolutionize Your Routine

Experience a new standard in habit transformation and personal growth with our intuitive app. Every feature is designed to make your journey towards better habits seamless and insightful.

  • Visual streaks showcase your progress along the way
  • Chat with your AI-Coach for personalized tips
  • Capture moments on-the-go and let AI craft your journal
  • Powerful search and filter capabilities
  • Customize routines with drag & drop, Swipe left or right to change status
  • Unified dashboard for all of your habit data in one area

Where Simplicity Meets Sophistication

Habit Driven is both fun and easy to use, yet powerful, equipped with advanced AI features to help you build better habits and break bad ones.

Your Personal Growth App


Awareness Creates Success

Our app's simple design makes it quick to use. You'll stay on track with your goals and be reminded of your daily intentions without hassle.


Custom Advice That Fits

Expert advice from bestselling books, news articles, and scientific research. Personalized tips and insights to meet you exactly where you are in your path to growth.


Custom Habit Tracking

Track habits your way—whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, or a set number of times within a period, our app adjusts to fit your schedule. Stack your habits and swiftly set up your routines with our easy to use drag and drop and swipe features.


The Journal That Writes Iteself

Journaling is tough, but we streamline the process. Record snippets of your life anytime, anywhere, and our AI compiles them into daily journals for you to edit further. Each entry not only tells your story but also enhances the AI's understanding, refining your habit recommendations.


Insights Just for You

See all your progress in one place. Our app gives you personal summaries and insights that make sense for your life


Affordable Investment

Access all features for less than 50 cents daily, investing in a tool that nurtures your growth every day. Or, for a limited time, grab the app for lifetime with a one-time special price.

Lifelong Access!
Become a Founding Member

Get lifetime access for just $149

Limited opportunity!

The window to join as a Founding Member is closing! This is your chance to gain lifetime access to our app for a one-time fee of $149.But hurry – this special rate is available for a limited time and to a limited number of users.

Lifetime Value

Pay once, enjoy forever. Secure your spot in with a special group of users who see the potential for transformation.

VIP Treatment

As a Founding Member, you’ll get VIP access to events and special features, and the chance to shape the future of our platform.

Exclusive Community Access

Join a vibrant community of users who share your commitment to growth and personal development.

Shape Our Future

Your support at dc critical stage helps us enhance the app and grow our community, making your membership an integral part of our journey.

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Price: $149.00

Hear from Our Trailblazers

Real Stories, Real Progress

Habit Driven began empowering users to craft their best selves in October 2023. Even before the arrival of Habi (early January 2024), our community is already experiencing transformative journeys.

Sophia A.

Data-Driven Enthusiast 

Seeing all my habit data in one spot is incredibly empowering. It makes tracking progress and making adjustments so much easier

Jake P.

Just Getting Started

As someone new to self-improvement, Habit Driven has been a game-changer. The app’s simplicity kick-started my habit journey, and I’m pumped for 'Habi' to take it to the next level!

Ava M.

Efficiency Advocate

This app is fast and user-friendly. I've never been so consistent with my habits, thanks to the intuitive design of Habit Driven.

Emily T.

Seasoned Habit Tracker

I've used dozens of apps over the years, but nothing compares to the depth and insight I get with Habit Driven. It's my daily companion for growth, and the value for money is unmatched.

Lindsay K.

Community Connector

The responsiveness of the Habit Driven team is stellar, and the community in Discord is so supportive. It feels like being part of a family that’s rooting for your success.

Lucas B.

Journaling Lover

Snippet journaling has changed the way I reflect on my day. It's effortless and addicting, and I'm excited for the daily summaries to deepen my insights.

Sophia A.

Data-Driven Enthusiast 

Seeing all my habit data in one spot is incredibly empowering. It makes tracking progress and making adjustments so much easier

Jake P.

Just Getting Started

As someone new to self-improvement, Habit Driven has been a game-changer. The app’s simplicity kick-started my habit journey, and I’m pumped for 'Habi' to take it to the next level!

Ava M.

Efficiency Advocate

This app is fast and user-friendly. I've never been so consistent with my habits, thanks to the intuitive design of Habit Driven.

Emily T.

Seasoned Habit Tracker

I've used dozens of apps over the years, but nothing compares to the depth and insight I get with Habit Driven. It's my daily companion for growth, and the value for money is unmatched.

Lindsay K.

Community Connector

The responsiveness of the Habit Driven team is stellar, and the community in Discord is so supportive. It feels like being part of a family that’s rooting for your success.

Lucas B.

Journaling Lover

Snippet journaling has changed the way I reflect on my day. It's effortless and addicting, and I'm excited for the daily summaries to deepen my insights.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Make excellence a habit by joining our newsletter

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Success Spotlights

Learn from transformational stories and successes from within our community.

Expert Advice

Get practical tips and strategies directly from top personal growth authorities.

Dive into The Habitat

Join our thriving community

Step into The Habitat and be part of a community that’s as invested in personal development as you are. It's a place where conversations spark progress and every chat can lead to your next breakthrough.

Real-Time Chat Collaboration

Engage instantly with a network of peers and professionals, sharing insights and creating connections as you grow.

Stay Accountable

Stay motivated and on track with support from fellow members who understand your journey.

Direct Habit Driven Support

Reach out to our staff for guidance or to share suggestions anytime that is convenient for you.

Exclusive Perks for Founding Members

Founding Members enjoy additional chatroom benefits, enhancing their growth experience.

And the best part? It's completely free for everyone.

Please NoteThe Habitat is powered by Discord, a free-to-use platform that excels in chat and community engagement. You'll need to create a separate Discord account to join our community, which allows for secure and organized communication.

Enter to the Habitat

Revolutionize Your Routine

Experience a new standard in habit transformation and personal growth with our intuitive app. Every feature is designed to make your journey towards better habits seamless and insightful.

Powerful search and
filter capabilities

Customize routines
with easy drag & drop

Unified dashboard for all of
your habit data in one area

Visual streaks showcase your
progress along the way

Chat with your AI-Coach for
personalized tips

Capture moments on-the-go
and let AI craft your journal

Customized Guidance

Habi's personalized approach crafts habit-building advice just for you.

Expert Knowledge

Drawing from a vast pool of expertise, Habi offers well-informed recommendations


Your journey is personal and protected, with data privacy a priority.

Introducing Habi, Your AI-Coach

Your Personal Companion for Habit Excellence

Discover the transformative power of Habi, your dedicated AI-Coach. Tailoring its wisdom to you, Habi provides real-time insights and strategies helping you grow every day

Network Synergy

Connect with a growth network that suits your personal development style.

Better Every Day

The more you interact, the smarter Habi gets, enhancing your habit evolution.

App Integration (Coming Soon)

Habi integrates with other self development and specialized tracking apps to provide even more insights.

The Brilliance behind Habi
Smart, Simple, and Insightful

Think of Habi like your most intelligent friend who remembers the things that you do and say. Habi combines the information you share and gives advice that really fits you.

Good morning Jess! ☀️
Here’s your Habi Update to kickstart the day

🥛 Water Intake You’re on a roll! Reached your 8-glass goal yesterday. Keep this wave going!
🧘 Meditation You’ve hit your 3-session weekly target. Fantastic consistency!
🌄 Visualization Your daily 5-minute sessions are setting a strong tone for success.
💰 Savings You’re $100 closer to your financial goals this week. Excellent discipline!
🏃‍♂️ Exercise Another day of 30-min workout crushed! Your energy is inspiring!

Spotlight Achievements

  • Your water habit is making waves! Stay hydrated and keep this winning streak.
  • Meditation is becoming a cornerstone of your routine. Ready to add another session?
  • Visualizing success has become second nature to you. Ready to take it to the next level?

Looking Back
Compared to previous days, you’re gaining momentum. You’ve established a powerful foundation over
the last 6 months, and it’s paying off in your energy levels and focus at work.

Today’s Tips

  • Consider a short walk during your break for a quick energy boost. 🚶‍♂️
  • How about exploring a new meditation app to freshen up your practice? 📱
  • Reflect on a recent success during your visualization to fuel your motivation.🔥

Remember, every day is a step forward. Keep building those habits, and they’ll build you! Let’s make today another step towards greatness. 👍

About The Founder,
Mike Jalonen

Over the past two decades, Mike has built thriving software companies and his entrepreneurial spirit has led him to implement self-development tactics across different aspects of his life. In early 2023, he made a commitment to being the healthiest and wealthiest he has ever been while also helping others do the same.

Inspired by his frustration with existing goal-setting and habit-tracking apps, Mike is creating Habit Driven, the first of its kind with AI integration that makes it unique and innovative. With this app, Mike aims to help users join his self-development mission and achieve their goals while improving their lives. The app’s unique AI integration allows users to set and track habits more effectively than ever before.


We believe that the most powerful way to self-improvement lies within the power of habits. Influenced by thought leaders like James Clear and the principles of his book Atomic Habits, we understand that small, consistent changes can lead to significant transformations. Habit Driven is grounded in this philosophy, emphasizing that success isn't just about setting goals but about creating systems that make achieving those goals inevitable. We believe that by focusing on habits - the daily routines and actions we often overlook or are not mindful of- we unlock the true potential for personal growth. Our platform is designed not only to track these habits but to intertwine them with insightful reflections and AI-driven guidance, ensuring that each small action you take is a step towards a larger goal. We offer a tool that transforms the 'shelf help' into effective 'self-help,' making the journey towards improvement both manageable and rewarding.

We developed Habit Driven to enhance the benefits of traditional habit tracking. Our vision is a comprehensive platform that integrates habit management with personal reflection, leveraging AI to offer a more dynamic and interactive approach to self-improvement. After searching for an app that could truly accompany our growth journey and finding none that met our holistic standards, we built one. Habit Driven stands out by actively transforming insights into action, ensuring the valuable learnings from self-help resources are applied and not just accumulated.

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is like a smart assistant that can think, learn, and adapt, much like a human, but with the ability to process information much faster and tirelessly. In Habit Driven, AI functions as an affordable personal coach, offering insights and guidance that would typically cost significantly more if provided by a human coach. This AI analyzes your habits and journal entries in real time, providing customized advice that evolves with you. While it's not meant to replace human interaction, the AI in Habit Driven complements the work of a personal coach or assists you independently. It excels in reviewing your data immediately and offering insights that are uniquely tailored to your journey, enhancing your personal growth experience. With AI, Habit Driven becomes more than just a habit tracker—it's a dynamic tool that actively supports and understands your path to self-improvement.

Habit Driven is a habit tracker, journal, and AI expert on your phone. It is a transformative tool and community for self-development enthusiasts. It's designed to keep you mindful and engaged with your habits, offer data-driven suggestions for improvement, and provide a journal that not only memorializes your journey but also informs your AI-Coach, Habi. This synergy ensures that self-help translates into real-life benefits, guiding users through actionable steps towards their goals.

Absolutely, start your growth journey with our 7-day free trial. Experience firsthand how Habit Driven actively assists in applying self-help learnings. If you need additional time, reach out at yourfriends@habitdriven.ai, join the conversation in The Habitat, or send us a text at +1 (949) 434-2018. Let us support you in turning knowledge into daily action.

Pricing and Payments

Yes, after your 7-day free trial, you can continue using a limited free version of Habit Driven. This version allows you to track up to three habits but does not include AI functionality. While it offers benefits for tracking three habits, the full experience with advanced AI, personalized insights, and comprehensive community support is available only with our paid plans. This setup allows you to experience basic features of Habit Driven, with the option to upgrade for expanded capabilities.

Habit Driven offers flexible and affordable pricing plans. As we continue to enhance the app, our pricing will reflect the added value. Beyond the free trial and limited free version, we offer monthly, yearly, and lifetime options. Currently, monthly access is priced at $6.99, yearly at $49.99, and a one-time payment for a Founding Membership (lifetime access) is currently $149. Please note, the Founding Membership is a limited-time offer for a restricted number of users. These pricing options are designed to provide a comprehensive platform for habit transformation and personal growth at a value that suits different needs

Choosing to become a Founding Member of Habit Driven unlocks several exclusive benefits. For a one-time payment of $149, Founding Members gain lifetime access to the app. This includes early access to new features, influence over future developments, and integration into a community of individuals committed to personal growth. Founding Membership is not just a subscription; it's an investment in shaping the future of Habit Driven and its community.

Payments for Habit Driven can be made through the App Store, Google Play Store, and for Founding Memberships, we encourage users to purchase directly on our website at www.habitdriven.ai. We aim to provide a seamless and flexible payment process, allowing you to effortlessly begin or continue your journey with Habit Driven, focusing on your personal development without any payment hassles.

Core Features and Functionality

Yes, Habit Driven is versatile in habit tracking. Choose from four different styles: a simple yes/no, time-based (like reading for 20 minutes), quantity-based (such as reading 10 pages), or percentage-based (like 25% achieved). You can also create custom labels, group habits by tags, assign priorities, and set specific frequencies such as only on monday and wednesday, or set custom frequencies, such as completing a habit three times a week without specifying the days. Habit Driven's adaptability makes it perfect for tailoring your habit tracking to suit your personal lifestyle and objectives.

Yes, Habit Driven offers a range of templates to start from, continuously enhanced based on AI analysis and user feedback. These templates provide a starting point for users unsure about which habits to track or how to structure them. The app evolves with the collective input from its user base, ensuring the templates remain relevant and effective

Snippet journaling is a unique feature in Habit Driven where you can record brief thoughts, feelings, or daily events as they occur. These snippets provide AI with insights about your overall well-being, not just your habits. They can be linked to specific habits or stand alone, helping our AI, Habi, understand your actions and thoughts more holistically. This allows for more personalized recommendations, enhancing your habit tracking by giving context to your habits. It also aids in identifying patterns and triggers for more effective habit development. Additionally, snippet journaling facilitates draft journal entries, making it easier to maintain a journaling routine, which brings numerous benefits like improved self-awareness and emotional processing.

Habit Driven distinguishes itself with a user experience that is engaging and not cumbersome, encouraging interaction throughout the day. Unlike other apps focused only on tracking, Habit Driven melds habit tracking with journaling and community engagement. Furthermore, AI-driven insights, a feature not commonly found in other apps, add substantial value, making Habit Driven a more encompassing tool for personal growth

Certainly! Habit Driven ensures a smooth experience across android and apple phones, tablets, and computers (apple). This is all offered with seamless synchronization, keeping you connected to your progress wherever you are

Indeed, we are planning integrations with key platforms, such as health trackers, to enhance your experience with Habit Driven. Anticipated in the first quarter of 2024, these integrations will enable Habit Driven to work in harmony with other essential apps and devices, further enriching your journey in personal development.

AI Features and Functionality

Habi is your “personal AI-Coach” in Habit Driven, aptly named from the word 'habit' to highlight its role in habit improvement. It uses generative AI technology to provide personalized guidance based on your unique goals, habits, and journal reflections. Habi’s purpose is to transform your experience from basic tracking to a more interactive, growth-focused journey. It evolves with you, making habit development more tailored and insightful.

In Q1-2024, Habi will gain chatbot functionality, transforming it into a more interactive rich AI-Coach for real-time conversations. This will allow you to explore specific queries, seek advice, and receive immediate, personalized feedback. This enhancement is a leap towards a more interactive, responsive, and engaging Habit Driven platform, further enriching your personal growth experience.

Habit Driven leverages the power of OpenAI, the same technology behind Chat GPT, to provide a customized AI experience tailored for personal development and habit tracking. Built on sophisticated algorithms, it understands and adapts to your unique behavioral patterns, ensuring that the recommendations and insights are relevant and impactful for your personal growth journey.

Habit Driven sends anonymized data to its AI for analysis, including habit data, snippet journal entries, user-provided feedback in the “improve Habi” section of the app, and upcoming data from third-party integrations like Apple Health or Fitbit. This data, encompassing habit completion rates, journal content, and historical progress, is pivotal for generating personalized insights and suggestions. The AI processes this information, ensuring your personal data remains secure and private, to offer you a tailored and effective habit development experience.

Privacy and Security

Ensuring the security of your data is paramount. We use advanced encryption and robust security protocols to protect your information rigorously. Recognizing that the effectiveness of our app depends on your trust in our data security, we've established stringent measures to safeguard against unauthorized access and data breaches. By ensuring your data's security, we empower you to utilize our platform fully, knowing that your personal data, habits, and journal entries are in safe hands.

You are in complete control of your data on Habit Driven. Should you choose to delete your data or cancel your account, the process is straightforward and can be done within the app's settings. We respect your privacy and data ownership, and upon request, we will promptly and thoroughly remove all your information from our servers. This commitment to data control gives you the freedom and confidence to manage your personal development journey on your terms.

Your privacy is a core principle in Habit Driven. All your journal entries and personal insights are strictly confidential, accessible only by you. We've designed the platform with a deep respect for the personal nature of journaling and habit tracking. This privacy ensures that you can journal and track your habits with the assurance that these personal reflections remain your private journey, fostering a safe space for your growth and self-exploration.

Membership and Community

Joining as a Founding Member of Habit Driven offers unique and exclusive benefits. With a one-time payment of $149, you secure lifetime access to the app, a rate that will increase as we add more features. This early bird offer is available for a limited time only. As a Founding Member, you gain early access to new features, have a voice in the app's development, and hold a special status within our growing community. You're not just a user; you're an integral part of shaping Habit Driven's future. You also get the opportunity to connect with other motivated individuals at the beginning of our community's formation, sharing and growing together in your personal development journey.

We provide comprehensive support and resources to our members. This includes access to a dedicated support team, extensive guides, and tutorials to enhance your experience with the app. Our growing community, The Habitat, is a space for members to engage in discussions, exchange tips, and take part in various challenges and events. We're in the process of developing a blog and social media presence to offer regular content on habit formation and self-improvement. For any direct inquiries or support, members can contact us via email or through our in-app feedback found in the settings section of the app.

Your success stories are a source of inspiration for our community! Share your personal journey in The Habitat, our community platform, where your achievements will be celebrated by fellow members and our team. For a broader audience, submit your story via the feedback option in the app settings. With your permission, we could feature your journey on our upcoming blog, social media channels, or in our newsletter, highlighting your accomplishments and inspiring others within our community.


Your input is invaluable to us at Habit Driven. To provide feedback or suggest new features, you can use the dedicated feedback section found in the settings of our app. This direct line of communication ensures that your ideas and suggestions are heard and considered by our development team. We regularly review user feedback to enhance the app, tailoring it to better meet your needs and expectations. Whether it's a new feature idea, an improvement suggestion, or general feedback, your contributions play a crucial role in shaping the future of Habit Driven.