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EU-valet 2024 – 6 till 9 juni

Vid EU-valet den 6-9 juni ska EU-medlemsstaternas medborgare välja sina företrädare till Europaparlamentet. De nyvalda ledamöterna, som ska företräda EU‑medborgarna fram till 2029, träffas i juli för att välja talman, vice-talmän och kvestorer. De kommer också att besluta om hur parlamentets ständiga utskott och underutskott ska se ut - och därmed inleds den nya valperioden. Därefter kommer utskotten att hålla sina första sammanträden för att välja sina respektive ordförande och vice ordförande.
Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Budget and Administration, at the EP Plenary session, with some European flags in the background
11-06-2024 - 17:03 BUDG

The Committee on Budgets will host Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration, on 19 June. Mr Hahn will present the Commission's Draft Budget for the year 2025 to the outgoing Members of the Committee, thereby launching the annual budgetary procedure. Next, the Council will adopt its position on the Draft Budget, to which Parliament will respond. The conciliation period will take place in autumn with a view to finding a compromise and adopt the final budget by the end of the year.

calendar 2024
11-06-2024 - 17:03

The European Parliament’s calendar for 2024 is available through the link below. Parliament decides its annual calendar of work on the basis of a proposal by the Conference of Presidents. It is divided into plenary sittings (part-sessions) and meetings.

Committee meeting
11-06-2024 - 17:03

Parliament's committees deal with EU legislative proposals by adopting reports, which then are referred to plenary for voting by all Members, and appoint negotiation teams to conduct talks with Council. They adopt non-legislative reports, organise hearings with experts and scrutinise other EU bodies and institutions. Parliament can set up sub-committees and special committees to deal with specific issues. Each committee elects a chair and up to four vice-chairs for a two and a half year mandate.

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Faktabladen ger en överblick över den europeiska integrationen och Europaparlamentets bidrag till denna process.


Stödanalyser ger oberoende expertis på hög nivå, analyser och politisk rådgivning inom Europaparlamentets alla verksamhetsområden.