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Mapping global electricity
emissions together

Since 2016, Electricity Maps' open-source visualization has been used by millions of people, from students to world leaders, to understand the climate impact of global electricity use.

Backed by the community

We’ve been working with our open-source community of 300+ contributors from 80+ countries since the start, and our work is far from done. Together with our contributors, we’re making new improvements to the Electricity Maps app every week.


Build with us on GitHub

Electricity Maps' global impact is a direct result of the efforts of our contributors, and we would love for you to join us. There is still lots to do! Whether you’re an electricity/climate nerd or just starting your learning journey, there are plenty of ways for you to contribute.

Join us in our Github repository where we discuss changes to be made, suggestions, and bugs to be fixed.

Contribute with GitHub


Join the conversation

You don’t have to be a developer to join us in this journey - in our Slack community, you’ll be joining a community of technologists, scientists, and industry experts as we share our perspectives and discuss the ongoing effort to decarbonize our energy system.

Join Slack


How can I get started?
Why should I contribute?
Do I need to be able to code to contribute?
Where can I learn more about your methodology?