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The ultimate playbook for digital marketers and communicators 2024

This playbook is for any digital marketer or social media manager looking to ensure 2024 has the right strategy in place. One that embraces AI thoughtfully and abandons social trends that distract from the bottom line.


Realising the promises of the future

The relationship between the British people and their government has hit a low point. While this may not come as a surprise, this is an alarming trend.



Innovation: Destroyer or saviour of worlds?

As world leaders debate the progress of Artificial Intelligence, Sat Dayal and Nick Hope share their commentary on the 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer and the Perils of Innovation.

Reasons to look forward
Thought Leadership

Our theme for 2024 - Reasons to look forward

Every year at Edelman we track the themes and issues shaping our world so our clients will be ready for the big shifts in audience and stakeholder behaviour.