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Changes to tax legislation applying to employee share schemes (ESS)

Changes may affect gross earnings calculations for leave and holidays.

As of 1 April 2017, tax legislation applying to employee share schemes (ESS) has changed. This may affect whether ESS payments are included in gross earnings calculations for leave and holidays purposes. This is a change in tax legislation and not to the Holidays Act 2003.

If your organisation has an ESS and you are unsure of how the changes will affect gross earnings calculations for tax purposes, go to the IR website (external link) , or contact IR through your customer myIR Online Service account or the IR contact us page (external link) .

If you are unsure of how the changes will affect gross earnings calculations for leave and holidays purposes you should consult section 14 of the Holidays Act 2003 (external link) (the Act). If you are still unclear on how these changes apply to your situation after reviewing the Act you should seek independent legal advice.

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