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What is Google Bard?

Last Updated : 01 Jun, 2023
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to fundamentally alter the search engine user experience, particularly in the wake of the global success of Open AI’s ChatGPT, which is supported by Microsoft. Google, the industry leader in search engines, has recently introduced “Bard,” joining the trend. Since everyone is avidly searching for information on Google Bard AI, we are here to provide it in its entirety. Thus, keep reading this blog to learn everything there is to know about Google Bard.

What is Google Bard?


What is Google Bard AI?

Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced Bard in a statement on February 6. Although Bard was a brand-new notion at the time of its unveiling, the AI chat platform is driven by Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), which was introduced just over two years ago.

Bard is a conversational AI prototype that uses Google’s proprietary Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA). Bard provides current and informative solutions by using online resources. Bard now has a background of information that is more recent. One of the most noticeable distinctions between Bard and ChatGPT is their present knowledge bases. The goal of Google’s chatbot is to make difficult concepts understandable to even the youngest students.

What is LaMDA?

Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications is known as LaMDA. It is a machine-learning language model created primarily to provide natural conversation. Computers are now able to find patterns and relationships in data using machine learning techniques.  

This chatbot, which is based on a large, sophisticated language model, can swallow trillions of words from the internet to help it with dialogue. It is based on a sizable corpus of information or text that has been internet-crawled. It is an abstraction of all the text using statistics. As a result, when this system or model is asked to do something, it uses the text that was produced at the beginning and tries to continue using terms that are related to one another to guess what words will follow next.

Is It Free To Use Google Bard?

For the time being, it seems that Bard will be free, but Google has not yet confirmed this. Considering that it doesn’t charge for Google Search, it wouldn’t be unexpected if Google started charging for the user version of Bard, but considering that Microsoft’s ChatGPT Plus is a subscription model powered by OpenAI, anything would be possible.

How To Use Google Bard AI?

Only a few beta testers have access to Google Bard right now, but a bigger launch is scheduled in the next weeks and months. With indications of ChatGPT’s effective achievement at the beginning of 2022, CEO Sundar Pichai first expedited the development of Google Bard. This may have been hastened by the favorable news attention ChatGPT has continued to receive in 2023.

Unfortunately, Bard, a Google AI chatbot, is not yet widely used. But, once the Google Bard AI link is beta testing over, it is anticipated to be incorporated into Google Search and accessible by using the search box to enter queries. The chatbot leverages information from the internet to provide up-to-date responses to text prompts. Although the Google Bard AI chatbot’s precise release date is yet unknown

Feature of Google Bard AI

The Google Bard ai technology had a lot of functions. We have provided some of the functionalities listed below.

  • The first benefit of Google Bard Artificial Intelligence is that it is a user-friendly, self-learning platform.
  • Among the world’s fastest platforms, Google Bard artificial intelligence uses observation methods to respond to queries.
  • Due to its sophisticated and multilingual interpretation of information, it can recognize significant times in videos and deliver critical information, including crisis support, in more languages.
  • By improving cognitive comprehension of it, Bard AI can more efficiently translate data into information that is helpful to us.

Google Bard AI Vs ChatGPT

The world has been captivated by the newest technological advancement, the ChatGPT, also known as the Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. The San Francisco-based startup OpenAI created the AI language-based model. Anyone can use the ChatGPT chatbot for free, however, at the moment, it is only compatible with web browsers.

ChatGPT and Bard will provide comparable services, allowing users to type in an inquiry to obtain a human-like response. There are some significant distinctions between Google Bard AI and Open AI’s Chat GPT even though both are AI language models.

The key distinction between ChatGPT and Bard is the data source. Bard will constantly obtain up-to-date data from the internet to ensure that it is correct. ChatGPT is restricted to using data from more current studies and sources, which end in 2021. Bard will have more knowledge to gather data in real time by obtaining the most recent studies.

Bard uses LaMDA for dialogue programs, while ChatGPT uses GPT 3.5.LaMDA, a system designed to understand natural language, was created using an open-source network.  Instead of looking for individual words to create dialogue, it has been trained to seek patterns in phrases and the spaces between words. Whereas Bard creates more content in larger chunks, ChatGPT responds to a single text input with content.

Bard will be able to divide difficult topics into small conversation chunks. The intention is to disseminate information in a straightforward manner that influences everyone including kids to study. Chat GPT, on the other hand, creates content in response to a text message.

Why is Google Just Now Announcing Bard?

Microsoft announces ChatGPT’s participation in its Bing Search platform just as it does this. Microsoft revealed a surprise event the day before Google’s planned AI presentation. The addition of ChatGPT to Bing will present huge issues for Google and its main Search business, as Microsoft has already invested $10 billion in OpenAI this year.

Google may have developed the “Transformer” technologies, but it is today regarded as having joined the AI revolution after the fact. Since that conversational AI may provide lengthy, essay-style, and occasionally elegant answers to user queries, ChatGPT is frequently referred to as the demise of Google Search. Every one of these is accurate, but AI is also capable of correcting itself and growing from mistakes.

According to the New York Times, this has led to a “code red” at Google, whose main business is searched. In fact, according to a distinct New York Times report, Google officials asked the company’s co-founders, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin, to review AI plans. The founders of Google have mostly stayed out of day-to-day operations, but it is obvious that something has raised red flags within the organization.

It has also become evident that ChatGPT is currently perceived as being superior by so many, and Google now needs to demonstrate that LaMDA and Bard are genuinely in the lead and capable of doing better. Also, it doesn’t help that Microsoft has made such a big investment in OpenAI and intends to provide ChatGPT to its business clients as a component of the Azure Cloud services. Google is consequently subject to numerous challenges from Microsoft and OpenAI.

Future of Bard AI

Shortly, conversational AI technology is anticipated to give rise to several chatbots with progressively more sophisticated capabilities. Its popularity and level of acceptance across sectors like healthcare, e-commerce, messaging, social media, research, and others will keep rising.

Tech companies all over the world are now accelerating their AI research efforts as a result of the introduction of ChatGPT and, more recently, Google Bard, which are at the cutting edge of the conversational AI area. After sufficient knowledge regarding Bard’s functions and what it has to offer it shines in comparison to ChatGPT.


Although ” Bard AI” is not yet available to the general population, it has huge potential. Shortly, there will be a conflict among AIs, and it is yet to be seen whose AI model will prevail.

The use of AI has already started to change how we work and live, with virtual personal assistants and automated home appliances becoming more prevalent. Despite various developments, there are still worries about job loss and ethical issues around the use of AI. As a result, it is crucial for businesses to carefully weigh the advantages and risks of using AI and to adopt these technologies ethically and transparently.


Q1. What are the things that can be done by Google Bard?


Google Bard is a kind of conversational AI that has been developed by Google and uses various languages and machine learning for processing the techniques to generate human-like responses. 

Q2. What type of strategy is used by Google Bard?


Google Bard combines the knowledge present in the world with power, intelligence, and creativity thus generating a fresh, high-quality response that can be used by humans. 

Q3. What are the metrics used by Google to evaluate the outputs given by LaMDA?


These are the three metrics used by Google:

  • Specificity
  • Sensibility
  • Compulsiveness 

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