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Ukraine - Together we help more

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Download information on access and rights of Ukrainian citizens in Romania - EN (.pdf) |

Welcome to Romania!






Romania has established a clear decision-making and coordination structure to enable agencies with different legal and functional responsibilities at all levels of Government to effectively plan, coordinate, and interact on the ground in response to the humanitarian refugees’ crisis.
From the day one of the conflict, at the level of the Government it was established a high-level decision-making Task-Force, coordinated by the Prime-minister.
Secondly, an operational Task-force, called “Ukraine Commission” was also set up to oversee the activities of the ministries involved in the management of the refugees’ flux in all areas of intervention, led by the Chief of Prime-minister’s Chancellery.
Thirdly, the Humanitarian Assistance Strategic Coordination Group was set up at the level of the Prime-minister’s Chancellery, led by a Counselor of state to ensure the strategic framework of humanitarian response and to facilitate the inter-agency cooperation among national, European and international partners.
Romania’s response to refugees’ crisis is structured on two layers of intervention: First EMERGENCY response and Second PROTECTION Response.
First Emergency Response is, basically the urgent reaction and intervention ensured by Romania to the newly arrived refugees from Ukraine. The Department for Emergency Situations (DES), as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was the lead of operations in this phase, consisting of deploying resources and capabilities at the main entry border points, humanitarian transports, emergency shelter, food, basic medical assistance etc. The efforts by the DES was complemented by the intensive legislative and administrative work by the various ministries from the Romanian Government that issued a large number of pieces of legislation so as to be able to accommodate the emergency needs of the refugees. As well, local authorities coordinated their efforts with the governmental agencies and also developed their own operational plans based on local needs’ assessments. The public effort was vigorously supported by the national civil society, international nongovernmental organizations, UN Agencies and private actors.
Second Protection Response is a mechanism developed to ensure the medium and long term protection and inclusion measures for Ukrainian refugees who choose to live in Romania. As we approach the second phase of intervention, the Government has set up six working groups that have the role to design inclusion and protection policy measures in the following areas: health, education, labor, housing, vulnerable persons, children and youth. Each working group will develop shortly, in a collaborative process with the experts from the corresponding ministries, UN Agencies and representatives of the civil society, sectorial action plans. The sectorial action plans will be coagulated into a National Action Plan, representing Romania’s Second Protection Response to the humanitarian refugees’ crisis. The policy measures are to be debated and feedback will be collected also from the representatives of the local authorities in order to ensure coordination and support. The entire process is overseen by the Humanitarian Assistance Strategic Coordination Group from the Prime-minister Chancellery.


​Dopomoha- Platform developed by the Government in partnership with civil society, to support Ukrainian refugees with information about their rights in Romania. www.dopomoha.ro also integrates a donation platform, which will take the place of the government initiative "Ukraine – Together we help more", and merge into "Emergency Support".

  • Emergency Support

The "Emergency Support" Platform coordinates the efforts of government institutions, civil society, the private environment, national and international organizations in supporting the Ukrainian people and the refugees, that are now suffering military aggression.




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