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Social media: Love to hate it, or hate to love it?

From blocking bullies to keeping your private accounts actually private, we help you get the good out of social media without all the bad.
TechCrunchMozillaAll Tech is HumanTimeSupreme Court of the United States

Run a quick check-up (& tune-up) for your peace of mind on social

Whether you’re already privacy conscious, or think maybe you should be better about these things.
* Available for free while in Beta
How the browser extension works:
Privacy Party has your back on
Facebook, X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Strava, Venmo, Reddit
...with more platforms always on the way
Our anti-harassment tools for X are on indefinite hiatus
We’re also bummed about what’s happened with X (formerly Twitter). Know that we fought to stay, and it’s still possible we’ll return in the future. But for now, we’ve turned our focus to a different part of the harassment problem. The part that comes before the trolls start attacking you.

....That’s why we made Privacy Party.