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Privacy Notices

If you want to know in detail your data protection rights with respect to specific processing, please read the corresponding privacy notice below.

The list of privacy notices is organised into four categories of processing operations carried out in the different context of activities of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) - Administrative, Operational, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Support to the Board.

The BEREC Office keeps its privacy notices under regular review. The BEREC Office reserves the right to change its notices from time to time at its sole discretion.

For any questions as regards your privacy notice, you can contact the BEREC Office DPO by email: [email protected]

Privacy notices for processing in the Administrative and Finance area

Privacy notices for processing in the Operational area

Privacy notices for processing in the area of ICT, Security and Logistics

Privacy notices for processing in the area of Support to the Board of Regulators