Quiz: Which sleepy animal are you?

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If you haven’t already answered the questions about your sleeping habits to find out which animal you are, then what are you waiting for? Get on it! If you want to find out more un-snooze-ual facts about your sleep-spirit animal, then you’re in the right place.


Koalas can sleep up to 22 hours a day. That leaves only two hours left in the day to do anything else! During that time, they need to make sure that they eat enough food and use nature’s toilet too…

Interestingly, Koalas are known to not only sleep because their bodies need it, but because they LOVE sleep. They sleep for their own pleasure! Can you relate?


Similarly to koalas, sloths sleep for a long time – up to 20 hours a day! That means that they also have only a few hours to eat and go to the toilet each day.

Famous for being very slow, sloths like to take things easy to save energy. Saving energy means that they don’t need to eat much food, and not eating much food saves them time in the day – time that can be spent sleeping! However, they can move fast if they find themselves in danger. They just usually choose not to.


Did you know that cats dream? You may have guessed this if you have seen a cat twitch their body and face while they sleep. They dream similarly to humans.

Although cats fall into deep, dreamy sleeps, they are known to be able to wake up instantly. This is because in the wild, cats always have to be ready to run or fight.

Cats are also nocturnal, meaning that they prefer to sleep during the day and be awake at night. In the wild, the night is the best time to find food. Have you ever wondered where the word catnap comes from? It comes from cats having a doze during the day!


Chimps love comfort and will often use their hands and smart brains to make comfy nests to sleep in. In the wild, they will line their nests with leaves to make them extra comfy. Whether it's with leaves or a fluffy blanket, chimps will use whatever they are lucky enough to find.

Furthermore, chimps are quite picky when it comes to choosing the right spot to sleep. This is because in the wild, they also have to think about being safe from potential predators. Chimps will also curl up like humans while they sleep.


The world’s largest land animal only sleeps between three and four hours a day, and that sleeping is done at night, leaving the day free. Elephants need to be awake for a long period of time because their large size means that they have to eat a lot of food, and they can spend up to 18 hours eating!

Elephants can sleep standing up and like to lean against trees or termite mounds. It may look strange to us, but elephants don’t lay on their sides because their heavy weight might crush their own organs! This is why baby elephants, who don’t weigh as much, are more likely to sleep lay down on the ground.


Giraffes only spend between 30 minutes and two hours sleeping each day! They break up this sleeping time into smaller sections throughout the day, preferring naps over long sleeps.

With their long necks and long legs, it is hard for Giraffes to get up once they are lay down, which can make them vulnerable to predators. For this reason, they sometimes like to lock their legs into position and sleep standing up. They’ll even rest their heads on their backs!