ZAPCHAT: Homesick
Girl in school uniform looking sad. Felicity Foxglove from The Worst Witch.
Girl in classroom throwing fake money at the camera. Felicity Foxglove from The Worst Witch.
Mirror on a wooden wall. Out of order signs on the image.

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Girl performing a spell. Felicity Foxglove from The Worst Witch.

Me and some friends worked together to figure out the Manifestation Spell. YES!

Girl dancing down the corridor looking happy. Felicity Foxglove from The Worst Witch.

Just spoke to Frankie and Freda! Was so good to catch up with them and hear their stories. Just shows, working together pays off!

Text reads 'Do you ever get homseick?'.

Check out my replies to your comments!

Zapchat replies: PS_Titanic: Well met,Felicity I get homesick a lot when I'm nervous or when I am at a sleepover during the first few hours of the night. I find that if you distract yourself, then it makes things a lot easier. Hope that helps. Official Felicity Foxtrot: Well met PS_Titanic, I know exactly what you mean! I especially miss Frankie and Freda, they make me feel better, no matter what. That\u2019s why I put this on the Daily Bubble, to distract myself. It worked!
Zapchat replies: BlueCosmicGymnast12: Well Met Felicity, it's good that you learnt the manifestation spell to speak to your family. Why are the mirror booths not working? I only get homesick if I go away for a really long time without my family and I can't speak to them. Official Felicity Foxglove:  don\u2019t know why they aren\u2019t working, BlueCosmicGymnast12. Ethel said she saw Mildred lurking in the corridors and now there\u2019s a sign on the door telling us not to use them. Ethel thinks it\u2019s Mildred\u2019s fault, but I\u2019m not so sure\u2026.
Zapchat replies: A_cbbc_user: Well met Felicity! Ethel does have a point. If she told you, you wouldn't have learnt anything, but it's good you did teamwork with your other friends, whereas how would you suppose to know how to do it. Official Felicity Foxglove: Well met, A_cbbc_user, I guess you\u2019re right, but it would have been nice of her to give me a little help. Actually, I am super proud of myself for being a clever cloak and figuring it out. Watch out Ethel, there\u2019ll be a new top witch at Cackles!
Zapchat replies: U16964828: Being homesick sucks. When I went on a school residential I couldn't bear being away from my Mum, but the best thing I did was just live in the moment. Think about what you about the exciting things you are doing and think about the exciting things you'll do when you're home  Official Felicity Foxglove: Greetings U16964828, that\u2019s a great idea! Live in the moment. I like it! I\u2019m going to have so much fun. Let me just update the Daily Bubble, and do my potions homework, and polish my broom, and clean my cauldron\u2026
Zapchat replies: U16940504: Well met Felicity, I don't feel homesick but I can give you some advice! Just stay calm and relaxed and maybe write letters to home. Don't worry about Ethel she can be really mean when she is in a bad mood.  Official Felicity Foxglove: Well met, U16940504. Yes, Ethel can be awful! But she did teach me a valuable lesson; I should roll my robes up and tackle a problem head on, instead of giving up and asking for the answer. You know, she kind of reminds me of Miss Hardbroom!
Zapchat replies: PurpleArtyPolarbear: I get homesick sometimes, but not a lot. When I do I just try and think about something else. It works. Sometimes. I\u2019m sure you\u2019ll get over it!  Official Felicity Foxglove: Hmm, PurpleArtyPolarbear, I wonder what I should think about? I know! I need to think of a really good trick for Halloween (it\u2019s coming up soon). Frankie and Freda gave me some great top tips and ideas for animating apples! I should definitely practise!
Zapchat replies: PinkDiamond12367: Well met Felicity, I am not usually homesick so I wonder what it feels like?   Official Felicity Foxglove: Well met PinkDiamond12367, you\u2019ve never been homesick? I am so jealous! It feels like the bottom has fallen out of your cauldron and there\u2019s a raincloud over your head. I miss my family so much. But my friends cheer me up when I\u2019m feeling down.

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