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Tagged with: Television

Posts (22)

  1. New look subtitles and playback for BBC iPlayer on TV

    Andrew White

    Product Manager, BBC iPlayer

    New look subtitles and playback for BBC iPlayer on TV

    We’re rolling out a new look for playback on connected TV - clean, sleek and pared-back, with new, improved, customisable subtitles.

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  2. Continuing the BBC's experiments in UHD

    Phil Layton

    Head of Broadcast and Connected Systems, BBC R&D

    The BBC has always been working to improve picture quality for audiences and lately we have been able to make some shows available in Ultra-High Definition (UHD). Now we’re taking the next step by streaming live UHD content.

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  3. The revolution will be televised

    Jonathan Murphy

    Technology & Creativity Blog editor

    The revolution will be televised

    A look at the challenges facing the TV industry over the next five years.

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  4. Casualty team tell Robyn’s Story in BBC Taster pilot

    Casey Stander

    Post Production Coordinator, Casualty

    Casualty team tell Robyn’s Story in BBC Taster pilot

    The theme for this Connected Studio brief was 'Smartphone Storytelling’, based on giving audiences a starring role in the form of internet-first ideas that look specifically at participation - the successful concept we developed was for The Casualty Storybook project.

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  5. College of Technology round up: File delivery

    Frederick Botham


    The television industry is currently gearing up for a big change in the way programmes are delivered to broadcasters. Tape was previously the only way of delivering a programme. However, as most productions are now shot and edited digitally, it is clear programmes need to transition to digital.

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  6. Surveying the conditions where you view television

    Katy Noland

    Project Technologist

    You'll need to be at home with a tape measure, and it should only take about 10 minutes.

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  7. BBC Online Briefing June 2014: the Future of TV

    Carmen Aitken

    Head of Audiences

    My presentation shows that despite the range of competing delivery methods linear TV remains remarkably resilient, with the majority of viewers still finding content via the EPG, and many watching the same live programmes every week. In this video I discuss various scenarios for the future of TV...

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  8. Future Fiction: Drama meeting digital

    Michael Kibblewhite


    What does the Future of Drama look like? Find out more about BBC Future Fiction and watch video clips from the event.

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  9. Stargazing LIVE: Astronomy through social media

    Simon Mackie

    Assistant Producer

    Hello there I’m Simon Mackie, an assistant producer for BBC Factual, but I don’t make telly programmes. Instead, I work with TV production teams to develop and publish online content that complements their programmes. So I’m a web producer really. Here I’m going to talk about the online side of...

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  10. The Voice UK: Putting digital at the heart of the format

    Sarah Clay

    Online Executive

    I’m Sarah Clay, online exec for BBC Drama and Entertainment. I look after programmes such as The Voice, The Apprentice, Britain Unzipped and Being Human, brands that work really well online as a way of expanding the viewers’ experience beyond TV. The Voice is a Saturday night entertainment show...

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