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halting problem :: GSK Demystified (I) — A GSK primer

:: ~5 min read

Some people started noticing bits and pieces of GSK landing in the GTK+ repository, mostly in topic branches, so it's probably a good time to explain what I'm doing, how am I doing it, how long it's going to take, and what it means for everybody else who is waiting for a scene graph API, or is just curious about it

Last month I published an article on how GTK+ draws widgets on the toolkit development blog. The article should give you some background on the current state of what GTK does when something asks it to draw what you see on the screen — so it’s probably a good idea to read that first, and then come back here. Don’t worry, I’ll wait…

Welcome back! Now that we’re on the same page… What I didn’t say in that article is that most of it happens on your CPU, rather than on your GPU — except the very last step, when the compositor takes the contents of each window and pushes them to the GPU, likely via the 3D pipeline provided by your windowing system, to composite them into what you’ll likely see on your screen.

The goal for GUI toolkits, for the past few years, has been to take advantage of the GPU programmable pipeline as much as possible, as it allows to use the right hardware for the job, while keeping your CPU free for working on the application logic, or simply powered down and avoid polar bears to squeeze on an ever reducing sheet of artic ice. It also allows to improve the separation of jobs internally to the toolkit, with the potential of splitting up the work across multiple CPU cores.

As toolkit developers, we currently have only one major API for talking to the GPU, programming it, and using it to put the contents of a window on the screen, and that’s OpenGL.

You may think: well, we use Cairo; Cairo has support for an OpenGL device. Just enable that, and we’re good to go, right? and you wouldn’t be entirely wrong — except that you really don’t want to use the OpenGL Cairo device in production, as it’s both a poor fit for the Cairo drawing model and it’s basically unmaintained. Also, Cairo is pretty much 2D only, and while you can fake some 3D transformations with it, it’s definitely not up to the task of implementing the full CSS transformation specification.

Using OpenGL to generate pixel-perfect results is complicated, and in some cases it just goes against the expectations of the GPU itself: reading back data; minuscule fragments and tesselations; tons of state changes — those are all pretty much no-go areas when dealing with a GPU.

On the other hand, we really want to stop relying so much on the CPU for drawing; leaving your cores idle allows them to go into low power states, preserving them and improving your battery life; additionally, any cycle that is not spent inside the toolkit is a cycle available to your application logic.

As you may know from the past few years, I’ve been working on writing a new API that lets GTK offload to the GPU what currently happens on the CPU; it’s called GSK — short for GTK Scene Kit — and its meant to achieve two things:

  • render the contents of a GTK application more efficiently
  • provide a scene graph API to both the toolkit and applications

With these two goals in mind, I want to give a quick overview on how GSK works, and at which point we are in the development.

As GSK is meant to serve two purposes it makes sense to have two separate layers of API. This is a design decision that solidified after various discussions at GUADEC 2015. As such, it required a fair amount of rework of the existing code base, but very much for the better.

At the lowest level we have:

  • GskRenderNode, which is used to describe a tree of textures, blend modes, filters, and transformations; this tree is easily converted in render operations for graphics API like Cairo and OpenGL, and Vulkan in the near future.
  • GskRenderer, an object that takes a tree of GskRenderNode instances that describes the contents of a frame, and renders it on a given GdkDrawingContext.

Every time you wish to render something, you build a tree of render nodes; specify their content; set up their transformations, opacity, and blending; and, finally, you pass the tree to the renderer. After that, the renderer owns the render nodes tree, so you can safely discard it after each frame.

On top of this lower level API we can implement both the higher level scene graph API based on GskLayer that I presented at GUADEC; and GTK+ itself, which allows us to avoid reimplementing GTK+ widgets in terms of GSK layers.

I’m going to talk about GskRenderer and GskRenderNode more in depth in a future blog post, but if you’re looking for some form of prior art, you can check the ClutterPaintNode API in Clutter.

Widgets in GTK+ would not really be required to use render nodes: ideally, we want to get to a future where widgets are a small, composable unit whose appearances that can be described using CSS; while we build towards that future, though, we can incrementally transition from the current immediate more rendering model to a more structured tree of rendering operations that can be reordered and optimized for the target graphics layer.

Additionally, by sharing the same rendering model between the more complex widget API and the more freeform layers one, we only have to care about optmizing a single set of operations.

You can check the current progress of my work in the gsk-renderer branch of the GTK+ repository.

gtk gsk gsk demystified development welcome to the world of tomorrow

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