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On the stage's therapeutic turn
Wilawan Wiangthong, Chapter 4: Eggs, 2024. Performance view, Maielie, Khon Kaen, Thailand, March 2, 2024. Chonticha Srihatai.
Reclaiming corporeal sublimation in Wilawan Wiangthong’s performance
John Turturro as Sabbath.
Rhoda Feng on the stage adaptation of Sabbath's Theater
David Byrne and Fatboy Slim, Here Lies Love, 2023. Broadway Theatre, New York. Imelda Marcos and Ferdinand Marcos (Arielle Jacobs and Jose Llana). Photo: Billy Bustamante, Matthew Murphy, and Evan Zimmerman.
David Byrne brings Imelda Marcos to Broadway
Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, 1899, in a production directed by Jack Serio, 2023. Performance view, private loft, New York, June 2023. Astrov (Will Brill) and Sonya (Marin Ireland). All photos: Emilio Madrid.
The luminous vulnerability of Jack Serio’s Uncle Vanya
A performance by mayfield brooks with cellist Dorothy Carlos inside the Wavertree at South Street Seaport. Photo: Cherylynn Tsushima.
“Lotto Royale” and the art of the chance encounter
Hannah Ziskin’s chocolate cremeaux.
“Soup & Tart: Los Angeles” serves up Fluxus redux
Dynasty Handbag, Titanic Depression, 2023. Performance view, Pioneer Works, New York. All photos: Walter Wlodarczyk.
Dynasty Handbag’s Titanic and the farce of history
Robert Icke, The Doctor, 2023. Performance view, Park Avenue Armory, New York. Ruth Wolff (Juliet Stevenson). All photos: Stephanie Berger.
The Doctor makes a muddled diagnosis of our social pathologies
Every Ocean Hughes, River, 2023. Performance view, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, March 2023. Photo: Maria Baranova. Lindsay Rico and Geo Wyex.
Every Ocean Hughes’s art of dying
Lorraine Hansberry, The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window, 1964, in a production directed by Anne Kauffman, 2023. Rehearsal view, Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York, February 3, 2023. Iris Parodus Brustein (Rachel Brosnahan) and Sidney Brustein (Oscar Isaac). Photo: Julieta Cervantes.
Moze Halperin on The Sign in Sidney Brustein’s Window
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