Using Check Out

Need help placing your order on the Apple Online Store? Follow these steps to purchase items you’ve put in your bag.

  1. Review your bag
    Once you’re ready to order, select the "View Bag" link in the upper right of any page on the Apple Online Store to review all of the items you’ve placed in your bag. From here you can add or edit gift messaging, gift packaging, and engraving on select products. You can also increase or decrease the quantity you want to purchase. We'll provide you with an estimated time we expect each item to ship from our facility as well as an estimated total, which will include any shipping charges and taxes. If you update your order, select the "Update Subtotal" button to see an updated estimated order total for your bag.
    If there are other items you want to purchase, select the "Continue Shopping" button to add additional items to your existing bag. Or select to "Save for later" and you can come back to view your Saved Bag.
    When you’re ready to buy the items in your bag, select the "Check out" button.
  2. Sign in
    If you already have an Apple Online Store, iTunes, .Mac or iPhoto account, sign in using your existing Apple ID and password.
    If you are a new user, create an account by entering in your email address.
    If you have questions about your Apple ID, password, or account, visit the Your Account section of online Help.
  3. Enter billing and shipping information
    In order to process your order, we'll need you to enter both your billing address and shipping address. Your billing address and shipping address should match the information on your credit card account. We do not accept PO Box or international addresses. Shipping addresses for all Hong Kong orders must be within Hong Kong. All your items will be shipped to the shipping address you designate.
    For more information on Billing and Shipping information, visit the Payment & Pricing and Shipping & Delivery sections of online Help.
  4. Select a payment method
    To find out what Payment methods are accepted on the Apple Online Store, visit the Payment & Pricing section of online help. Make sure that your payment method matches the billing information you have entered and that you include the appropriate security code for a credit or debit card.
    You can also redeem an Apple Gift Card or a coupon to pay for your purchase. Visit the Gifting section of online Help for additional information.
  5. Complete checkout
    Once we have all your item, billing, shipping, and payment information, you’re ready to complete check out. Review your order and personal information to ensure it’s accurate, and when you’re ready to purchase, select the "Place my order" button.
    After you place your order, we'll take you to a Thank You page that contains a summary of your order, including your Web Order Number. Please print this page for your files.
    We'll also send you an Order Acknowledgment email shortly after you placed an order using credit/debit card, or once your order has been processed if you used a different payment method. You’ll receive a Shipment Notification email as each of your items ship.
    The Thank You Page and emails will contain links to online Self Service. Log in using your Apple ID and password to check order status, cancel items, return items, change your order, track a shipment, print an invoice, and more. You can also view a summary of orders you’ve placed with us in the last 18 months.

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Signing Out

How do I sign out of the Apple Online Store?

Simply quitting your browser application completely will log you out of the Apple Online Store. Unlike many ecommerce websites, the Apple Online Store does not keep customers signed in once the browser is closed.