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Education & Career

Welcome Student Members

Being a Student Member of the Audio Engineering Society has never been more important, as technology whips forward and many segments of our industry literally reinvent themselves. A successful career in audio must be built on future-proof knowledge and skills, supported by a community of professionals who share your passion for audio and commitment to the highest audio quality.

Community of Students & Professionals

Your chance to network with colleagues needn't wait until that first job. Students should jumpstart their careers by becoming active in all AES Section activities nearby. Student Members of the AES are always welcome at meetings of both Full Professional Sections and Student Sections. At these meetings, you'll meet fellow students and active professionals — a chance to make friends, fine-tune your audio knowledge, and get a job. If you don't find an active section in your area, a motivated and active group of students can start their own section.


Future and current students need the chance to study in the Educational Program best-aligned with their interests and abilities, so the AES maintains an online directory of educational institutions worldwide. You'll see the directory is vast, and the Programs are diverse. You'll find courses of study for every level: from vocational studies to associates, bachelors, and graduate degrees. You'll find the place to help you begin a career, or to help you navigate a change of career. It's daunting at first, but click around and you'll find the program that suits your needs.

Learn and Network

The opportunities to learn and the chance to make professional contacts grows several dB at international conferences and conventions, and students members receive discounted access, so keep an eye on upcoming events. You'll find Tutorials, Workshops, Master Classes and more that dig deep into topics you care about, no matter what specific areas of audio interest you: live, studio, music, tracking, mixing, mastering, video post, sound design, game sound, hardware, software, design, marketing, research and development, manufacturing, etc. It's all there and accessible by any Student Member of the AES who takes advantage of the discounted student registration.

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Student Delegates

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Education Foundation

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AES Live Videos

Watch, Listen, Learn

Audio pioneers and leading practitioners share their experiences through the AES Live video collection. Content at all levels of sophistication flows in from worldwide AES events and AES Live specific production, featuring best practices, audio fundamentals, workshops and audio history.


Job Board

Audio Careers Begin Here

The AES Job Board is the definitive professional audio job list. From product design to sound design, from research to sound reinforcement, from recording to virtual reality, for every niche of audio, for every level of experience, the AES job board is the place to take the next step in your career, or your next employee.

Find Jobs

Sonnox has recently advertised two vacancies on the AES Job Board. We received many quality responses, and the positions were filled quickly. Great service, great result.

Rod Densham, Managing Director at Sonnox Ltd.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society