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Cookie Control - GDPR compliance

Our Cookie Control tool is trusted by thousands of organisations and seen by millions of users every day. It is GDPR, LGPD and CCPA compliant, simple and intuitive, and puts users in control.

From version 9 and up, Cookie control is WCAG2.1 AA compliant and trusted by hundreds of governmental authorities and public institutions.

cookie control

Cookie Control stops optional cookies from being placed on a user’s device until they give explicit consent. It is globally recognised by its distinctive icon.


GDPR, LGPD and CCPA compliance

GDPR is the regulatory framework that protects people’s personal data in the EU – and rules are just as strict in the UK too. Cookie Control respects the Global Privacy Control signal by the browsers and helps organisations to comply with GDPR, LGPD and the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). Cookie Control is a certified consent management platform for TCF v2.0 by IAB Europe.

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Features of Cookie Control

Customisable cookie categories

Keeps visitors informed about the type of cookies used on your website. Can be customised to help visitors make informed decisions about different cookie types.

Opt-out support

Some third-party plugins use their own domain to add cookies. Cookie Control keeps users informed and provides the means of control.

Branding and styling

Clients can use Cookie Control’s design themes or even restyle the panel completely to align with their own website identity and branding.


Cookie Control allows clients to configure its behaviour in the way that best suits their needs.

Flexible API

Cookie Control offers a flexible API that makes adding it to your site easy regardless of your platform.

Sub-domains (PRO)

Cookie Control offers one-time consent functionality for complicated websites with multiple sub-domains.

Geolocation (PRO)

Use Cookie Control’s advanced functions to detect your visitors' location, and choose where to display the panel in GDPR mode, CCPA mode or not at all!

Multi-lingual (PRO)

Cookie Control can detect a user’s preferred language, wherever they are in the world, and display your texts accordingly.

Implement and customise

Cookie Control CMP is available as a stand-alone JavaScript module without third-party dependencies. Our platform has been developed by our deep understanding of worldwide data protection legislations, and has been enhanced in close collaboration with our clients and their unique perspective of user needs. All features have been thoroughly tested and are already used in high demand implementations of Cookie Control.

Get Cookie Control


Find out how Cookie Control is installed and configured

Cookie Control can be installed on any CMS/Website platform that supports custom JavaScript. It is also available as a Drupal, Joomla! or WordPress module.

Cookie Control
for Wordpress
   Cookie Control
for Drupal
   Cookie Control
for Joomla