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Get information and help regarding childhood cancer

We have a wealth of information available about various types of childhood cancer, including the different treatments available. Learn more about the research we do, and read real life stories from both children and the parents of children who have been diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

Quick ways to get help right now


Find a list of specific cancer charities, practical (and emotional) support as well as Wish Granters

Contact us

If you can't quite find what you're looking for, find out how you can contact us via email, phone or post

Understanding cancer

We have lots of information to help you learn more about childhood cancer. From specific cancer types, to treatments and causes, you can find support below.

Understanding cancer

Coping with cancer

When someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, the journey ahead at times is long and can be very difficult to cope with. From dealing with the diagnosis stage, treatment types and life after finishing treatment.

Coping with cancer

We fund research

We are developing our knowledge about why children develop cancer and we are gaining new insights into the genetic and environmental causes of cancer to see if prevention is possible. We hope to improve the diagnosis, treatment and long-term care of children with cancer.

We fund research

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