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A shift in revolutionary tactics.

Alright you 90,000 redeemers, rebels and radicals out there,

A worldwide shift in revolutionary tactics is underway right now that bodes well for the future. The spirit of this fresh tactic, a fusion of Tahrir with the acampadas of Spain, is captured in this quote:

"The antiglobalization movement was the first step on the road. Back then our model was to attack the system like a pack of wolves. There was an alpha male, a wolf who led the pack, and those who followed behind. Now the model has evolved. Today we are one big swarm of people."

— Raimundo Viejo, Pompeu Fabra University
Barcelona, Spain

The beauty of this new formula, and what makes this novel tactic exciting, is its pragmatic simplicity: we talk to each other in various physical gatherings and virtual people's assemblies … we zero in on what our one demand will be, a demand that awakens the imagination and, if achieved, would propel us toward the radical democracy of the future … and then we go out and seize a square of singular symbolic significance and put our asses on the line to make it happen.

The time has come to deploy this emerging stratagem against the greatest corrupter of our democracy: Wall Street, the financial Gomorrah of America.

On September 17, we want to see 20,000 people flood into lower Manhattan, set up tents, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy Wall Street for a few months. Once there, we shall incessantly repeat one simple demand in a plurality of voices.


Tahrir succeeded in large part because the people of Egypt made a straightforward ultimatum – that Mubarak must go – over and over again until they won. Following this model, what is our equally uncomplicated demand?

The most exciting candidate that we've heard so far is one that gets at the core of why the American political establishment is currently unworthy of being called a democracy: we demand that Barack Obama ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington. It's time for DEMOCRACY NOT CORPORATOCRACY, we're doomed without it.

This demand seems to capture the current national mood because cleaning up corruption in Washington is something all Americans, right and left, yearn for and can stand behind. If we hang in there, 20,000-strong, week after week against every police and National Guard effort to expel us from Wall Street, it would be impossible for Obama to ignore us. Our government would be forced to choose publicly between the will of the people and the lucre of the corporations.

This could be the beginning of a whole new social dynamic in America, a step beyond the Tea Party movement, where, instead of being caught helpless by the current power structure, we the people start getting what we want whether it be the dismantling of half the 1,000 military bases America has around the world to the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act or a three strikes and you're out law for corporate criminals. Beginning from one simple demand – a presidential commission to separate money from politics – we start setting the agenda for a new America.

Post a comment and help each other zero in on what our one demand will be. And then let's screw up our courage, pack our tents and head to Wall Street with a vengeance September 17.

for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ

Adbusters #97: The Politics of Post Anarchism – How To Live Without Dead Time (with a 12"x 18" #OCCUPYWALLSTREET poster inside), hits newsstands worldwide in ten days. Go to adbusters.org/subscribe and subscribe!

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One demand: abolish the

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @10:02 pm

One demand: abolish the minimum wage. Tie income to area housing cost. Trade wages for an equation that inflates especially the poor's income.
Would this result in keeping housing costs low while keeping wages high? Wouldn't that demand appeal widely?
Build spaces for regular, pulsed assemblies, aided but not dependent on the Internet.

I plan on attending the Tar

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @03:05 pm

I plan on attending the Tar Sands Action in DC this summer but am not convinced the #occupywallstreet action is effective.

Here's why:

1. It is hard to relate to demanding a Presidential Commission. . . which I'm confused at and is removed from an immediate task.

2. Also are people truly dedicated when their obligation is only to sign up with possibly a vague notion of demands?


How do we further strategize: What practical steps or actions can be asked of everyone so that each of us can prepare ourselves for struggle?

i dont think i will be able

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @09:54 am

i dont think i will be able to attend but... a few words of advice, get people in the streets of NYC now, speak with the homeless they will be your true power. bring lots of food or at least have people on the outside bringing water an food in. but let the homeless know what an why this is happening. then finally someone might listen.

good luck to all an if the gods are good i will be there with you!!!!

posting from Spain. I always

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @09:45 am

posting from Spain. I always thought that USA was the main place where something like this should take place. Happy to see that it is in the preparations. Don´t worry if you don´t have one main demand. The 15M startedlike this. Not clear what we want. But absolutly clear abou what we don´t want.
The goals will be fixed along the way. Together. Just start moving.

For organizing

by anony on July 17 2011, @09:30 am

For organizing #occupywallstreet on Reddit:

For organizing #occupywallstreet on Facebook:

As someone who went to to

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @07:47 am

As someone who went to to Iraq before the war because I was against it, and has continued going there, most recently returning from 1 1/2 years living/working in Baghdad (on the heels of obtaining my MS in Global Affairs at NYU because I wanted to make sure that I understood deeply the issues I was addressing rather than speak about them from a biased or agenda-ized position), I ask one thing as you move forward to creating your "Occupy Wall St. event. That is, stick to one topic. Don't bring all the issues or a multitude of issues to the table, but instead concentrate on what seems to me to be your main topic: "we demand that Barack Obama ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington."

I saw the American peace movement rise from the ashes of 9/11 and become a true force in the early days of the Iraq occupation. Unfortunately, the message of "No War" was diluted by the peace groups who brought forth their own agendas, which ranged from child labor laws to the Palestinian/ Israel debacle to Vieques to whatever gripe each could come up with. The end result was that the "No War" message was co-opted and the masses - masses who represented just about every face of culture, economic strata, etc. - who came out to support that one message at the various marches decided after a short time to stay home - these other issues were not what they had left their homes for.

Pick your issue, stick to it, don't let anyone blur the lines. This is the path to success.

I wrote this article on this topic back in Sept of 2005 as I was the peace movement self destruct: http://www.chronogram.com/issue/2005/09/news/peace.php

Yes, I agree with the idea of

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @11:16 am

Yes, I agree with the idea of the critical importance on an emphasis on a particular, well-defined and concrete demand, but I believe it is a fine line between an idea that is prone (or more prone than others are) to becoming too diffuse and co-opted, and one that is too particular, limiting and excluding; to a certain extent one must allow for room for masses of people to invest their hopes/dreams/concerns in the demand or message. Thus I like the idea of a simple demand to:

"End Corporate Control"

This could serve as an over-arching message made concrete in a particular demand, but still allowing for the expression of the widespread discontent and resentment, etc. many have for the pervasive feeling of control and excessive, destructive influence corporations have on all facets of all lives, from politics (perhaps the prime concern here) to inter-personal relations, truly in every area and mode of our existence, especially in the Western World.

I also believe it is important to organize with existing activist circles, and to in some way coordinate efforts with the planned action in October. This latter point I think should be acted upon, and soon.

This this and more THIS. This

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @09:07 am

This this and more THIS. This movement needs to keep focus if it is to accomplish anything.

We've got to stop consuming

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @07:25 am

We've got to stop consuming energy and products we don't need. It's not about a boycott, though it *would* stop corporate power cold. It's to stop doing what we've been doing that has caused climate change/pollution and mega-corporate power. It is the manufacture of trillions of products, and the burning of fossil fuels, that has done all of this. The loans we've taken out to afford it all, and the investments that have taken our money like a bad gamble - these abdications of power, large and small, have collectively led to our financial ruin.

We need to stop buying things we don't need. Government officials, agencies, and corporations are doing essentially nothing to stop a global catastrophe that has already begun.

So, it's up to us. It's the least-fun of our options. It's not sexy, and you don't get a tote or a plush seal toy for it. But reducing our consumption drastically is the only way to save our planet and our lives.

This is an exciting

by JTRaffensperger on July 17 2011, @07:25 am

This is an exciting opportunity to affect change. The doubts and concerns that have hitherto been expressed are certainly justified. However it is antithetical to the possibility of change to deny the medium by which we may move its course. If there is a sincere effort to organize and to create a working strategy, then there is a greater chance of making our efforts worthwhile.

I think that patience is an absolute necessity. I would suggest organizing within circles of activist groups for now, and then moving the operation to Facebook and Twitter as we move later into the summer. If such a move could coincide, say, with a failure to raise the debt ceiling by the federal government, and any consequences suffered by the larger economy as a result thereof, I think that it would have the maximum effect. If Social Security checks don't make it out, stocks are dropping, and jobs are being cut en masse, such would be the perfect time to ignite provocations.

I would also suggest that if such an event proves to be catastrophic, that a call to action be made more immediately, to take advantage of the political tide and maximize the presence of college students not yet committed to their classes.

It also may be worthwhile to coordinate with October2011. If both occupations receive enough support so as to be effective, that would be optimal. If not, then an effort should be made to consolidate into one unified effort.


by One Demand on July 17 2011, @06:11 am


Revolution is reaction,

by Avogadro on July 17 2011, @12:51 am

Revolution is reaction, change alone with no control, their is not an enemy, they are us of the future, we need to see us, politics is human nature,the corporate world is self serving and the old order are the walking dead.

the time for big centralized

by desconocido on July 17 2011, @12:04 am

the time for big centralized mobilizations in the US is over. the power structure is too entrenched, and the police have learned how to neutralize such things after the experience of the anti-globalization and anti-war protests of the last 12 years or so.

A decentralized action, in realspace and online, would be much more effective, in which we had a massive general strike, and more perhaps, behind the scene direct actions focused on big business everywhere. that has much more potential for real effectiveness than camping out in tents on wall street for a few weeks.

Mayhaps a parallel general

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @09:12 am

Mayhaps a parallel general strike movement could coordinate with this one? Y'know, get 'em on as many fronts as possible.

No one has commented on this

by @bdrugge on July 16 2011, @11:03 pm

No one has commented on this idea yet. Curious to see what people think.

The One Demand: a Nader Tax Now! The Nader Tax is a Poor People's Bailout. Invite Mr. Nader to write federal legislation that taxes wall street traders, akin to the Tobin Tax, but it could be a little more complex (but simple enough the lay person can understand it) multi-tranche taxing law. Demand that the banksters on Wall Street support it. All revenues will be distributed to municipalities around the nation as interest free loans--just like the banks got-- that they can invest in bond market supporting Green Jobs development (e.g. High Speed Rail in Calif.). Concrete and executable.

Have Bernie Sanders sponsor.

Get Van Jones' Rebuild America to join. He was also recently asking for Americans to suggest a few great clarion calls that Van and Rebuild could start implementing in the Fall of 2011.

I know it is great to have a singular focus, but I don't think we can/should forget about climaterealityproject.org. Big event in September.

Also, October2011.org--they're occupying D.C. Sure Adbusters doesn't want to switch dates to then?

I like the idea of adjusting

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @04:08 am

I like the idea of adjusting the start date to better coincide with the action in D.C. in October.

You need something better on

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @10:32 pm

You need something better on Facebook! Facebook is the way!

Facebook is NOT the way. It

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @06:05 am

Facebook is NOT the way. It is a government sponsored spying tool.Twitter is better = )

All centralized social

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @06:41 pm

All centralized social networking is being spied by the establishment. A distributed one is the answer, like https://joindiaspora.com

The chances of this being

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @08:35 pm

The chances of this being read are slim along with all the other posts but I still will speak my word and hope that some take it to heart:

Alot of people doubt these things, these protests will happen and if they do, that they will make any impact or change on the system. These thoughts are the thoughts that make that come true. Those thoughts spread like a disease and it has become the group-think of our nation. I'm not sure how we can do this but there needs to be a change in the overall thoughts of our people. We need to remember that if we all join together as a community of workers, families, people, who live and work and play together in a system that is dependent on all of us that we can actually change things.

We think about how big the government is, how powerful it is, Same with the media and the rich. But we forget about how big we are, we are much bigger than all of those groups combined. If we don't go along with their plans they have nothing. We are giving them their power, they should be thanking us.

In this mission on Wall Street it must be absolutely necessary to NOT divide ourselves between Republicans, Democrats, Tea Partiers, Green Party, Black, White, Homeless, Educated, Uneducated, Gay, Etc.

Division will only dissolve the overall mission. We are a country of people that want representation of ourselves NOT of corporations. Regardless of political party, color, creed, income, etc. We want a fair and just system.

It's ALL of us together or nothing.

I hope this is really taken to heart and remembered.

I also would like to suggest a West coast location for this 'sit in', but I am not sure of a good financial capital for this to happen, any suggestions?

Also, we must remember if Wall Street is occupied for months starting in September then we must prepare whole heartedly for the harsh New York winter!

West coast location

by Anonymous on July 17 2011, @06:34 pm

West coast location recommendation: Century City. The largest concentration of attorneys in the world.

Could someone involved in the

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @06:23 pm

Could someone involved in the organizing of this event respond as to why September 17th was chosen? Not so much as to the significance of this date, but as to why it cannot be a date which allows for more time to prepare for such a massive action, perhaps the 1st of November, etc. Will it be enough time?

Also, does Adbusters have any groups in place to assist in organizing, or are they working with any existing organizations?

Moving forward

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @07:52 pm

Moving forward

Harvest season.

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @07:53 pm

Harvest season.

You can't be serious about

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @04:55 pm

You can't be serious about this:
"If we hang in there, 20,000-strong, week after week against every police and National Guard effort to expel us from Wall Street,. . ."
In 1932 43,000 veterans and their family members gathered in Washington DC to demand payment of the WWI bonus. After a long occupation by the protesters, President Hoover ordered the US Army, under General Douglas MacArthur with Dwight Eisenhower as his aide and General George Patton leading his six battle tanks, to clear them out. The Army kicked ass and didn't bother taking names.

". . . it would be impossible for Obama to ignore us."
Obama has ignored all protests so far. He's got six wars going. He's increasing government surveillance of our private lives. He’s sure as hell going to cut social security, medicare and medicaid with complete agreement of the Democratic party. Do you really think he won't ignore such a protest until he sends the military in to clear you out? Dream On!!!

I definitely agree that this

by Gary the Snail on July 16 2011, @05:47 pm

I definitely agree that this won't be such an earth shattering event (though I will be very happy to see it happen and think it's in the right direction), to be fair a lot has changed since 1932 thanks to the work of the same kind of people that are organizing this event.

posting from Australia, so

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @04:13 pm

posting from Australia, so obviously won't be there, but I wish you all good luck and hope that this thing happens at the scale you are preparing. You've set a long date for this, which even though it gives people plenty of time to organize, also means that enthusiasm can wane. Closer to the date I suggest bombarding all socialmedia with a mass call to action. keep it burning in the back of the minds of the dedicated and then whip it into a frenzy as the date approaches. Nothing more disappointing and damaging to the cause than having all this hype only to have it fizzle out on the day. Maintain the rage, and understand that they are watching and will do their best to divide, conquer and undermine.

Go to VeteransToday.com and

by Anonymous on July 16 2011, @04:49 pm

Go to VeteransToday.com and watch the story on Rupert Murdock labelled "The Video" Find out how we have been sold down the river by politicians bribed and coerced by Murdock who was the advance man for the New World Order. Then go to tdarkcabal.blogspot.com and read how the Bush family has been stealing trillions from all the government trusts and sending it offshore as have many other "public servants"


I had similar thought to

by @bdrugge on July 16 2011, @03:49 pm

I had similar thought to Dharmadude. (I was trying to reply to his comment but it kept kicking me back to logging in.)

The call has to be for something concrete. Get Out Mubarak worked in Egypt because it was simple, concrete.

Here was my thought: instead of Tobin Tax, a "Nader Tax." The call: "Nader Tax Now!"

Nader writes up legislation. (I just emailed him proposal to see if he could write tax on banks/trades/currency trading/etc.) And Occupy Wall ST NYC does not leave until heads of banks sign in support of legislation.

Monies could be used to extend interest free loans, akin to what big banks got, to municipalities around the country. The municipalities could turn around and invest in bonds to create green jobs. (Brainstorming. Please advise if I need to hone.)

Invite others to unite. Copy and paste and tweet away.
@VanJones68 @stopthemach2011 @climatereality @occupywallstnyc OCCUPYWALLST does not leave wall st until banks support Nader Tax @Ralph_Nader

Life & Light (intersecting

by exoevolution on July 16 2011, @03:09 pm

Life & Light

(intersecting infinity)


Love & Mind.

3 Big Bangs *Rolston III
1. matter/energy
2. life
3. mind

4? spirit

light & love transform greed & war.

we are at a Civil War moment,

a "Civil War of ideas".

during Lincoln's time we finally decided that "slavery" was WRONG.

during Obama's time we must decide between "greed" & "generosity".

antonyms, opposites,

polar opposites,

like "slavery" & "freedom".

greed is a curse, a plague, an obscenity

upon humanity.

the "plantation owner" mentality must die.

the "corporation" a 21st century

Simon Legree.

You need only add the "d".

The choice is clear.

We the Corporations


We the People.

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