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TYPO3 v10 Release Material

Use these resources to boost TYPO3 v10 LTS adoption.

The release of TYPO3 v10 on 21 April 2020 will be a milestone in the history of our open source CMS—23 years after it was founded in 1997. A major release is a chance to shout about what we love about TYPO3 and reach new audiences. 

When you tweet about #TYPO3v10, talk about it at events, train colleagues or clients, you are helping to grow TYPO3 adoption. We encourage everyone to help share the news about TYPO3 v10 new features and capabilities. To make it easier, we’ll add release promotion materials here. 

Promotion Resources for You

Download banners, the slides for a release party presentation, and other cool material below.

Follow the #TYPO3v10 hashtag for news and updates as new resources are added.

Sales Enablement

Why upgrade? One page of facts about TYPO3 v10 LTS for salespeople.

 MS Word (463 KB)
 PDF (289 KB)

Presentation Themes

Would you like to make a presentation? Download themes for Keynote and PowerPoint: