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tape it

App for songwriting & audio recording

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Record, organise and share your song ideas.

app screenshot
stereo audio symbol

Record in stereo with your phone

tape it

You're using your headphones, right?!

tape it Stereo brings your recordings to a whole different level. Get high quality stereo recordings using just your phone. Download the app and try it for free.

Stereo requires iPhone Xs, Xr or newer.

Goodbye chaos,
hello mixtapes!

Organize your recordings in mixtapes. Treat them like albums or as a place for sketching and grouping.

favorites list screenshot

Instrument detection

Sure, you know which instrument you just played. But do you remember what that recording from January was of?

With automatic instrument detection, tape it helps you keep an overview over your ever-growing list of recordings.

instrument icons

Long sessions

tape it breaks long recordings into multiple lines, just like a paragraph of text. You wouldn’t squeeze an essay into a single line either, so why do that with your last band practice?

Skim to and annotate great moments directly in the Time Paragraph. Listening to long sessions has never been easier.

time paragraph screenshot

Media player

Press play, sit back and listen through all your ideas. tape it has full Media Center integration. Works everywhere your phone can connect to, including your car.

mediaplayer screenshot


Sometimes the small things make a huge difference. tape it lets you mark moments right when you record them, and saves you a lot of time when reviewing your material.

marker screenshot


Never forget the details.
Write notes to your ideas, or just attach photos - the quickest way to remember your instrument settings.

notes screenshot

The ideal recorder for


Record your lessons, your band practice or your choir, then share it with everyone from the rehearsal.


Made precisely with songwriters in mind. Just record your whole writing session, and mark every great moment. Never again lose a good idea.


Record interviews and mark times worth quoting right when they happen. No need to re-listen to the whole conversation afterwards.


Sample sounds all around you with the best recording quality you can get from the device that’s always with you: your phone.

Download tape it for free.