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SelectQuote Uses Google Technology to Decrease Cost-per-Lead

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 | 6:15 PM

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Founded in 1985, SelectQuote.com pioneered an impartial, pressure-free way to shop for term life insurance from competing insurance companies. The company has long since utilized television to drive awareness and inbound queries but in 2008, it added Google TV Ads to its media mix to enhance those efforts.

“Right out of the gate, we saw positive results -- lots of incremental calls and efficient media costs,” says Kim Terrill, director of broadcast media for SelectQuote.com. However, Kim admits that tracking had become challenging with over 25 unique phone numbers mapping to various ads. SelectQuote decided to simplify and use just one phone number even though that meant not being able to track which networks were bringing in which calls.

Around this time, Google TV Ads began experimenting with its call attribution feature which automates the analysis and attribution of incoming customer calls and produces reports detailing call metrics for each spot aired. Using Google technology, the feature analyzes and understands which ad drove which calls, even if multiple ads drive viewers to the same phone number. After SelectQuote's call logs were uploaded into the system, Google matched incoming calls with aired spots based on date, time, historical call volumes and a host of other factors. "We started to see trends and were able to identify the targets that brought in the highest and lowest cost-per-lead (CPL) on a consistent basis, Kim notes. "I could adjust my budgets and bids at anytime based on this data to easily manage to a desirable CPL.”

SelectQuote's CPL decreased by 35% after four weeks of optimizing campaigns using Google TV Ads’ call attribution feature compared to the four week period prior. As Kim puts it, “what is truly astonishing is that we are using Google’s smart technologies to directly and easily improve what we’re doing.”

Learn more about SelectQuote's success by reading the entire case study here. If your business could benefit from powerful call attribution metrics, create a Google TV Ads campaign to access this and other features cost-free.

FUNimation Entertainment Increases Sales by 35%

Friday, November 5, 2010 | 1:46 PM

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When you think about anime, you probably think of two things: Japanese cartoons of an adult nature, and kids shows like Pokémon.  That limited view of the medium is exactly the problem that FUNimation Entertainment, the largest distributor of anime in the US, was facing when it turned to Google TV Ads and In-Stream video to raise awareness and expand its audience.

FUNimation’s media manager, Catherine Kim, explains, “65 to 70% of our customers are males, ages 18-34, with an interest in gaming and comics.  Our challenge is growing our audience beyond that core demographic.  We have to break down a lot of misconceptions and build awareness.”  Realizing that its product could only truly shine with advertising that incorporated sight, sound and motion, FUNimation decided to expand its media mix to include television and online video.

Above: A screen shot from Afro Samurai: Resurrection, voiced by Samuel L. Jackson - one of hundreds of titles distributed by FUNimation.

FUNimation’s TV campaign consisted of 35 television networks, including ESPN, MTV and USA.  Online, the company ran commercial on YouTube and Google Display Network partner sites including Marvel.com, Sonybmg.com and WWE.com.  By using Google’s advanced measurement tools and with the flexibility of the system, FUNimation was able to optimize its buy to maximize results.

“The results were immediately apparent,” says Catherine.  When compared to pre-campaign levels, FUNimation saw a 44% increase in new visitors to its website and a 35% increase in DVD sales for the promoted product line.

“Marketing is all about testing, and testing can be a challenge with a limited budget.  With Google TV Ads and In-Stream online videos, we can find out what works best for us and grow our market.  I know that makes me sound like a Google dork, but it’s just the truth,” remarks Catherine.  If you want to become a Google dork yourself, you can read the full case study or visit us at google.com/tvads.

Chickdowntown.com increases web traffic and grows order size through contextually targeted television advertising

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 | 2:32 PM

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One of the best things about our platform is the access to television advertising it gives businesses of all sizes.
Chickdowntown.com is one such company that began using Google TV Ads in March 2009 to increase qualified site traffic and revenue. In 2007 Amy Reed, a fashion-minded entrepreneur, founded chickdowntown.com, an online boutique specializing in high-end clothing and accessories. Amy and her team began using Google TV Ads earlier this year to launch contextually targeted TV campaigns that effectively reach chickdowntown.com's fashionable target audience.

By using Google TV Ads' program targeting tool, Amy and her team are able to search relevant keywords such as 'fashion' and 'beauty' to find and target specific programs relevant to those categories. "Basically, we start by targeting programs my friends and I watch because we are the target audience.” Amy says. “Google’s targeting tools then allow us to discover even more relevant programs we hadn’t thought of before, helping us establish more reach."

(Click on the image for a full-size version)

“From March to April 2009 after running ads for just one month, we measured a 25% increase in direct traffic to chickdowntown.com,” reports Joey Rahimi of Branding Brand, chickdowntown.com's agency. “We saw another incremental increase in traffic of 25% from April to May, as well as a huge increase in branded keyword searches on Google. Those results clearly show that we’re reaching the right audience through our contextually relevant approach.” Not only did traffic increase, but the average order size has also gone up by 10% since their TV campaigns began airing.

Read the whole story and learn more about how your business can also drive results through a targeted approach to television ads.

Posted by Neha Mandal, Marketing Manager for Google TV ads

ooVoo and Gotham Direct Prove that TV Drives Online Activity

Tuesday, July 28, 2009 | 4:19 PM

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These days, people are consuming more media than ever before. Consumers continue to spend hundreds of hours per month watching TV, but are increasingly surfing the internet at the same time. Marketers are wondering: does television impact online activity? Recently, we worked with video conference provider ooVoo and its agency Gotham Direct to answer that exact question. To find out the extent to which television advertising drives online activity, ooVoo launched its first TV campaign through Google TV Ads from October 2008 - January 2009 while closely monitoring website traffic, downloads and ooVoo-related search queries.

Read our in-depth case study and watch our video to learn more. We've also included a summary of our findings below.

Impact on Web Traffic
ooVoo and Gotham Direct utilized Google Analytics to track unique visitors to ooVoo's main site and download page during the time their campaigns were running. From the figures below, we found a steady increase in direct hits (those who typed the URL directly into the browser) as the number of TV impressions increased. We measured nearly a 500% increase in web traffic compared to the pre-campaign traffic.

The chart above shows the number of unique hits to ooVoo.com (blue dots), overlaid with our predictive model of cumulative TV impressions (solid red line) along with 95% confidence bands (gray). Our holiday-adjusted model shows a strong relationship betweenooVoo's TV campaign and increase in website traffic.

Branded Search Query Growth
We also used search query data (Google searches containing “ooVoo” related keywords) to measure the effect ooVoo's TV ads had on search behavior. In the figures below, we observed an immediate tripling in query volume after the TV campaign started in early October.

This chart shows daily TV impressions overlaid with the volume of ooVoo-related Google searches. Search queries were relatively flat prior to the TV Campaign beginning, and increased steadily during the TV campaign.

ooVoo and Gotham Direct were able to use data to prove that television is incredibly effective in driving viewers online to learn more about what they saw on TV. “Substantiating the theory that TV does drive people online brings a new dimension to the power of television,” says Shattuck Groome, managing partner at Gotham Direct. “This is what it means to bring clients accountability and value for every marketing dollar spent.”

To learn more about these results and how others are finding success with Google TV Ads, visit our website at www.google.com/tvads.

Senior Quantitative Analyst for Google TV Ads