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'Gmail upgrade confirmation' email

If you've received a Gmail upgrade confirmation email, Gmail has been added to your existing Google Account. You can now sign in on the Google Accounts homepage with your Gmail username and password.

Remove Gmail from your account

If you decide not to use Gmail, you can remove it from your Google Account. After you delete your Gmail username, you can't get it back.

If you're sure you won't use Gmail in the future, follow these steps to permanently remove it:

  1. Open your Google Account.
  2. On the left, click Data & privacy.
  3. Under "Your data & privacy options," click Data from apps and services you use.
  4. Under "Download or delete your data," click Delete a Google service. You may need to sign in.
  5. Next to "Gmail," click Delete Delete.
  6. Enter the active email address you want to use and click Send verification email. This email can't be a Gmail address.
  7. To verify your active email address, find the verification email we send you there. Until you verify your new address, your Gmail address won't be deleted.

'Gmail upgrade confirmation' email: Is someone using my account?

If Gmail was added to your account, you'll receive a 'Gmail upgrade confirmation' email informing you. If you didn't add Gmail, you should take steps to help secure your account.

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