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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the use of ridewithgps.com.

We highly value your privacy and make this policy easily available throughout our site to assist you in understanding the handling of information in the course of using this site.

Log Files and Cookies

This website utilizes industry standard analytics packages which gathers limited information on visitors to our website automatically, and stores this anonymous information in server log files. This information may include IP addresses, browser type, basic IP information, referring pages, operating system used and date/time stamps. This information does not identify individual users; it is used only for site administration, as well as for analysis of website usage and trends.

Additionally, cookies may be used to provide easier and faster access to website features such as logins and/or repeat visits. Cookies are very small text files that are stored on personal computers for reference purposes.

We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie expires when your browser is closed, and a persistent cookie may stay on your hard drive for an extended period. Session cookies make it easier for you to navigate our site; persistent cookies can perform such activities as maintaining your authenticated status so you do not have to sign in every time you visit.

Registration and Use of Personal Information

Registration is not required in order to use or access this website. However, there are many features that do require you to register, such as publishing your own data and comments.

If you do register, and in the process provide us with personally identifiable information, rest assured that any such information you provide will not be shared with any third-party organization except with your express consent.

Please note that if you publish data or comments to this site, any personally identifiable information you provide in those comments or articles may be read, collated and used by anyone viewing them. As such, we are not responsible for personally identifiable information you may choose to make available through these channels.

We also periodically send communications to our users via email and/or push notifications. These communications will include any information that we feel may be pertinent to the visitor. You may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications by logging in to your account and navigating to the "Edit my profile" page.

Again, if you provide us with your email address and/or name for the purposes of receiving communications from us, this information will not be shared with any third-party organization except with your express consent.

Collection and Use of Social Account Information

When you create a Ride with GPS account or log in using a third-party service such as Google or Apple, we may collect your name, email address, and a unique identifier provided by the service. This collection is for the following purposes:

  1. Authentication: To verify your identity and create a secure link between your social account and Ride with GPS account.
  2. Account Creation: To use your social account's name and email for your Ride with GPS profile.
  3. Enhanced Experience: To provide a seamless experience by maintaining your logged-in status and customizing our service to your use.

We handle this information according to the terms of this privacy policy outlined in "Registration and Use of Personal Information".

By using third-party authentication, you consent to the collection and use of your information as outlined above, in accordance with the privacy policy of the third-party service.

Retention and Deletion of Information

We retain your personal data, including account details and usage information, as long as it is necessary to facilitate your use of Ride with GPS. This period may vary depending on factors such as your account activity and any ongoing subscriptions.

Beyond this, we only hold onto your personal data for as long as needed for specific purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. This includes complying with legal and regulatory obligations—like tax laws and fraud prevention—resolving disputes, enforcing agreements, and maintaining the integrity of our operations.

You have the right to delete your account and related personal information at any time. Following your request, it may take up to 30 days to fully erase your personal information from our systems. Please note, in certain cases, we might be required to retain some of your data for legal reasons or to protect against fraudulent activity, even after your account is deleted.


We follow accepted industry standards to protect any personal information you have provided to us. However, please be aware that no method of electronic storage can ever be 100% secure. Therefore as is the case with any organization - we are not in a position to guarantee the absolute security of your information.

You may submit any questions you may have about our security procedures by emailing us at info@ridewithgps.com.

Links to Other Websites

This website may contain links to other sites that are not controlled in any way by us. Please be aware of this when you click on any such links; we are not responsible for the privacy practices and/or policies of any website other than our own. Consequently, we strongly suggest that you review the privacy policy of every website you visit, whether or not they are linked to by our own site.

Legal Disclaimer

We reserve the right to disclose your personally identifiable information as required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process served on our website.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, or you wish to contact us, our contact information is as follows:


This privacy policy was last updated on November 4, 2023.