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Sniper: Rogue Mission

2022 • 95 минути
5 рецензии
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За филмов

When a crooked federal agent is involved in a human sex trafficking ring, Sniper & CIA Rookie Sniper Brandon Beckett (Chad Michael Collins) goes rogue, teaming up with his former allies Homeland Security Agent Zero (Ryan Robbins of TV's "Riverdale") and assassin Lady Death (Sayaka Akimoto) to uncover the corrupt agent and take down the criminal organization. Josh Brener (TV's “Silicon Valley”) and Dennis Haysbert (TV's “24”) co-star in this intense, gritty action thriller.

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5 рецензии
Sarah O'hara
23 август 2022
Movie described as action thriller, intense. I've always liked Brandon Becket 9Chad Michael Collins) for sniper movies but this was a ruse. It was a silly attempt of a comedy. It said nothing in the description about being funny and it wasn't even that. Waste of money and disappointed.
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24 август 2022
Long awaited 9th addition of the SNIPER franchise where is the music is all over the place but its a fun ride will watch again ....Where in the world is Tom Berenger?
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Lillia Franco
17 август 2022
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