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· Heartstopper №1 басылым · Сатушысы: Scholastic Inc.
372 пікір
Электрондық кітап
Bubble Zoom

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Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. A sweet and charming coming-of-age story that explores friendship, love, and coming out. This edition features beautiful two-color artwork.

Now streaming on Netflix!

Shy and softhearted Charlie Spring sits next to rugby player Nick Nelson in class one morning. A warm and intimate friendship follows, and that soon develops into something more for Charlie, who doesn't think he has a chance.

But Nick is struggling with feelings of his own, and as the two grow closer and take on the ups and downs of high school, they come to understand the surprising and delightful ways in which love works.

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372 пікір

Авторы туралы

Alice Oseman was born in 1994 in Kent, England, and is a #1 New York Times bestselling writer and illustrator. As well as writing and illustrating Heartstopper, Alice is the author of two Heartstopper novellas, Nick and Charlie and This Winter, and four YA novels: Solitaire, Radio Silence, I Was Born for This, and Loveless, winner of the YA Book Prize. She also writes and executive produces the Emmy Award–winning television adaptation of Heartstopper. Visit her online at aliceoseman.com.

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